Elephants Gun (1 Viewer)


Major General
Nov 24, 2010
Well - Elephants AND a Gun actually. And not just any old gun - but a 40 pounder too!

I have long admired other posters elsewhere on the Forum - who post pics of their favourite Jumbos towing or carrying any number of artillery pieces or other weapons. In fact La Commandante has often entered my lair - found me looking longingly at someone else's favourite Jumbo - and said "Why don't you get one then?"

When she eventually came up with...."I'll get you one for Xmas" - that was it.

But which version to get? - that was the thing! I really liked bill Hocker's - but they only come as painted.............Hmmmmmm.......

I liked the look of the Tradition offering - but also like Wm Hocker's version ( both with a BIG GUN - no piddling pea-shooter for me). Eventually - I decided to ask Tradition for two Elephants and the gun and limber - and I would make up the team of gunners, Mounted Officer and an ammunition carrying mule with handler, from some castings that looked a lot more like Mr Hocker's men - and also much like my old-favourite Britains hollowcasts of a bygone era. (I know a man in Dorset who does very close versions)

Thus, this version below (by Tradition of London); would provide the parts described above;

and this gorgeous version: (by Wm Hocker), would provide the inspiration and a general painting guide for my own version:

[Many thanks to Tradition and Wm Hocker for use of the photos]

Now, it's taken me a while to get the parts together - and all in one place - and I still have a few bits to go - but changes in our lives recently, meant that a Christmas visit to see my Grandchildren in NZ is now looming. I didn't want to cart my box of bits even further around the World - so with La Commandante's permission ( to open my Xmas Present early! - Naughty Boy!!!) - I began assembling my very own Jumbos!

Zo - for you Johnny, Xmas hast cum early zis year, hein?

We're off again! My version will have some pedigree - and look something like the real thing - on campaign - in Northern India circa 1890's. A bit like this, in fact - though without the kepi's - which indicate the time of the Indian Mutiny, which is a bit earlier than mine will be.

Certainly, the tandem arrangement is indicated.

So a start was made with Jumbo 1.

Note that most of the Elephant is made from plastic - with trunk and tail in metal - doubtless to save weight, as it's a solid lump of resin.

And here'e the 40 pounder - now with two Elephants developing in the background. (Jeff has warned me - there will be a LOT of grey paint around). The gun is a satisfying little lump of metal, nicely finished - and goes together very easily and quickly.

And as I think my 5 pics are now up - I'll leave it there for now - with more to come later. As usual - any questions about the project - just holler. :salute:: see you later. jb
Really looking forward to this project, jb. As it's been mentioned here on the forum before, Elephants and Artillery (really BIG aritllery at that), does it get any better ..... I think not! ^&grin

Johnny, there's a couple of pics of Hocker's Royal Artillery Elephant Battery in my album if want to use them for reference, but be forewarned they're kinda crappy pictures. :rolleyes2::tongue:

Hi JB, these will make a fine set of TS's for sure and looking forward to more photos! :salute::

Really looking forward to this project, jb. As it's been mentioned here on the forum before, Elephants and Artillery (really BIG aritllery at that), does it get any better ..... I think not! ^&grin

Johnny, there's a couple of pics of Hocker's Royal Artillery Elephant Battery in my album if want to use them for reference, but be forewarned they're kinda crappy pictures. :rolleyes2::tongue:


Cheers chum - just had a peek - nice to get a different view of them. Yes - on balance - I'm glad I went for the marching Order look - rather than parade ground blues.

Mine will be a bit different to both though, as I'm using castings that will make most of the soldiers look more like Britains - (and therefore more like Hocker's). I've nearly finished my Mounted Officer - which will show the difference - I'll do a quick snap.

It's night-time here - so the flash has bleached him out a bit - but you can probably see what I mean. He's on a Britains RA Officer horse that I've liked for a very long time - so was an obvious choice for me to include. He's had a head change to FS helmet and I gave him a drawn sword - as no-one else seems to have - so mine is a bit different. next to him is an unfinished marching gunner. Again, I chose a casting with rolled groundsheet wrapped around his torso ( like the ones in the Mountain Screw-Gun set) - just to make him look a bit different. (Boots and base to do yet for these). jb

Hi JB, these will make a fine set of TS's for sure and looking forward to more photos! :salute::

Ha! - old hat for you Jeff - as you've done so many - but a really nice new project for me. As I mentioned to Buster - I'm trying to make mine a tad different to others I've seen - so we'll just have to see how they all fit together. Really enjoyable to do too. More photos will come - with some better light in daytime. see you later - jb{sm4}
But I'm getting ahead of myself with the pic of the Officer.

Here's a view of all of the major parts now - with the limber now shown as well. A small modification was made to the pair of grab-rails on the lid of the limber - which doubles as a seat for two members of the gun-crew. (presumably they took turns in marching/riding -I think I may give both riders a cushion?). The original pieces were made of a soft metal - and one broke whilst attempting to fix it in place. Too soft!! I simply made two new handles from a paper-clip, using the soft metal one as a guide - and cemented these in place after slightly enlarging the tiny holes cast in the lid. A much stronger fix now - and a more robust piece. (I got that tip for replacing small handles with stronger material from Obee. Shows the benefits of Forum membership! Thanks chum:smile2:).

Next pic shows how the parts fit together. note that I'm concentrating on the Gun and limber for now - as I want to get them finished first. The eye on the gun trail slips over the limber hook - whilst the limber shafts slip into a pair of slots cast into the side of the Shaft Elephant - (Nelly One!). I've drilled two tiny holes through the shafts at the junction point - so that I can pin them to Nelly One, eventually.

Next pic shows the two mahouts - or the riders of the Elephants. They are much more than that really though, as they look after every needs of their charges. Elephants are highly intelligent animals, who respond well to care and attention - and strong bonds are frequently developed between mahout and Jumbo. I have read that if they are separated for whatever reason ( injury, for example), the Elephant can often pine - or refuse to work/eat etc., - until the bond is restored. Note that each comes as a small kit - and the arm with the hook thing can be fitted to the rider in various positions - if required. These come with each Elephant ordered - and are slightly larger in size than the rest of my team - but well within the limits of difference in size of human beings - so doesn't really bother me. They are just two six-foot plus drivers, whilst my gunners are smaller men! Painting them in similar complementary colours will help minimise the small size differences.

I've read that Elephants are SO intelligent, in fact - they can be unstable under fire - so that when long distance movement of the guns are necessary, once they get near their destination - they will refuse to approach fighting/firing - and have to be replaced at that point with large teams of Oxen. Clever animals!

My next pic shows all of the parts I have now assembled - and most of these have been cleaned up - and some parts begun to be painted. The gun and limber are now completed - and have had one coat of varnish - to seal in the paintwork. I have also begun the two figures who will ride the limber. I have inserted a pin under each figure - and drilled a hole to receive them in the limber lid. Once painted - they will be fixed in place - as the lid doesn't open.

Note that the wood and metal parts on top of the elephant - which will hold the chains to attach each beast to the limber - has begun to be painted - as well as the mahout. Others of the team are also shown - including the Officer on horseback - and the Mule with ammunition boxes and his Indian handler. Note that as in my usual practice - I have fabricated bases for horse and mule - as this helps stability with each piece. (drilled, pinned and glued together).

I'll finish off with a final pic of another old Newspaper - which I think helps show how some of the Elephant equipment works ( though these are really carrying equipment - rather than towing the much larger and heavier gun of my piece. It also shows bath-time for the Elephants - who appear to be having fun with their respective mahouts. Like big kids, really - just like us who like playing with their toys!:D

This time it's the old "Graphic" newspaper - dated 1885 - which is much nearer to the date I want for my set. Note the shirtsleeve order and plain colour pants of the gunners working with the beasts - no "blues" on display here - these guys are in working dress. I'll show how these are progressing in my next post. see you later - jb.

As you may have gathered - I have been posting pics that were taken as I went along with assembly and painting at earlier times. This one below, shows how things currently stand with all elements - so far. I have work still to do on some of the elements - but most are now nearing completion. I'll take a few more of each of the pieces from now on - so that you can see how they look at a closer level.

So far - so good. jb

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Here's the picture that did it for me - dated at 1890 - with each 8 man gun crew on parade - in marching order - with mounted officer to their right.

Now I have just finished painting some bases ( though not yet varnished) - lets have a look at how close I may be getting.

Well, here's the Mounted Officer - drawn sword and empty scabbard - at a fine trot. Behind him are 6 marching gun-crew - the two lucky lads riding are having their boots seen to - so can't make an appearance just yet.. Note my mule (not in photo above) - but I liked him - so included one anyway - with his Sikh minder alongside. Gun more or less finished - and at least Nelly One almost there - just needing a touch up before varnishing.

A closer view of them from the other side.

And finally - an overview looking slightly down. Must get on with Nelly Two.............. jb

I love your projects, John! And this one is another hit.

Now that the summer's over, I'll be hitting the bench more, and you're giving me inspiration.

As always Johnny These are excellent! So what we all want to know is what do you expect to get for Christmas now that this one is out of the box?{sm4}

Great work my friend.

As always Johnny These are excellent! So what we all want to know is what do you expect to get for Christmas now that this one is out of the box?{sm4}

Great work my friend.


Answer - A sun-tan:cool: - I'll be on the beach with my two grandchildren on Xmas day in New Zealand. - We are having a BBQ ( even if it rains!) - and some fun on the new canoes I'm getting them for Xmas ( but don't let on - as it's a surprise!^&grin). Hope they let me have a go!:wink2:

Glad you like 'em Dave - :D jb
I love your projects, John! And this one is another hit.

Now that the summer's over, I'll be hitting the bench more, and you're giving me inspiration.


Cheers Brad - glad you like them too. I'll look forward to seeing some more of your figures in due course, once you've got cracking.

Incidentally - I had a response from BZ about the Heyde Replika range.

They tell me that they only do painted at the moment for these - but prompted me to have a look at some of their Spenkuche figures - which are sort-of similar to some Heyde figures. now these ARE available as castings - so I may think about some of these later on - so thought I would give you a heads up on them.:wink2: jb
Hi, John, I'm glad I checked back, I was just about to send an email, and I thought I'd include a link to our thread for Burkhard to browse and see the interest.

Spenkuch is another classic German toy soldier maker, and BZ owns the molds now. They produce releases in small batches, and it's worth it to watch their site for updates.

Hi, John, I'm glad I checked back, I was just about to send an email, and I thought I'd include a link to our thread for Burkhard to browse and see the interest.

Spenkuch is another classic German toy soldier maker, and BZ owns the molds now. They produce releases in small batches, and it's worth it to watch their site for updates.


Maybe send it anyway brad? The more people that ask them - the more likely they are to think about doing it? :D jb

I would like any of the Heyde Sailors - but they only sell 'em painted ( at the moment).
Hello JB,

what a terrific project!!! What are you going to do next to top this without bankrupting yourself?....:)

Rgds V
Hello JB,

what a terrific project!!! What are you going to do next to top this without bankrupting yourself?....:)

Rgds V

Hi Vic - well, that's the nice thing about sourcing and painting up castings. Do it yourself - and they don't HAVE to break the bank.

Perhaps it would be an eye-opener for some - to see the finances for this set.

Okay, the Elephants (with two Mahout figures) and Gun & Limber come from Tradition of London - and as castings go - they aren't the cheapest around - but still not as expensive as a painted set. If you look at Tradition's web-site - you will see that this PAINTED SET by them - will cost you £334.75.

I bought my main elements from them (Tradition) for just less than £113 as castings.

The remaining Gun crew, Officer and Mule & handler came from Dorset Soldiers - and came in much lower - at £39.80.

Add them both together - and you get a grand total of £152.80 - which is less than half of the Tradition painted price - and a very nice Xmas present for yours truly - as you get a lot of bang for your bucks this way. PLUS - I get all of the fun of researching and choosing exactly HOW I want my set to look - and the joy of seeing it come alive under the brush. How good is that?

One example, is the Officer in this set. I always liked that mount - and with a few changes from the original Hussar he once was - he has turned out beautifully - now as a British Royal Artillery Officer, attached to the Indian Army c.1890. Now - that's priceless - or as one of my painting chums puts it:

"Johnny - Is no 'spensive like a big ceegar!" ( you have to hear him say it - - he always cracks me up!)

Even when you add in the paint etcetera ( which I already had to hand) - it would still come in at well under half painted price.

This hobby DOES NOT need to be expensive! - IF you are prepared to put in a bit of very enjoyable work.

BUT - as a painter yourself Vic - you already knew that.

So - what's next - well, you will have to wait and see - but I have plenty more vacancies in my growing collection yet - and I've already placed orders for some new pieces to collect for next Spring. Between times - I have a few more surprises in my "Stash" too. Just watch this space.

All the best chum - keep the faith - johnnybach
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Almost forgot to add this update on progress. I have completed all of the add-on figures now - with just Nelly Two to finish off (that's why she's hiding) - so shouldn't be too long for project completion - on time - and under budget. :D jb

Darn it - I forgot the Limber riders and mahouts - who were put to dry at around midnight, last night. Here they are now.

Dear Yoda master,

I follow in the wake of thy force.

Jedi believer

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