Elite Forces (1 Viewer)

Lewey Gun Vick

Sergeant Major
Aug 29, 2008
Hey Everyone! Once again Britains has got me hooked to buy into another range!:eek::D




Does anyone besides me REALLY want to pick up the new Elite forces range! I think these figures look awesome! I guess this is just one more thing I have to ad to my Christmas list!:D;) I'm also curious if we'll see some American's for the Elite forces (Rangers, Delta Force, 82nd Airborne, Navy SEAL's?:D). As some of you know my father participated in Operation Just Cause (1989), Desert Shield (1990), and Desert Storm (1991), so I have always been fascinated with modern military actions. I really look forward to seeing these figures this year in Chicago at OSTN!:D Anyone else have anything to say about these new fantastic figures W. Britain's has planned to released?

Only that they are an out and out definate purchase for me. They look very good and I'm pleased Britains are taking a chance by releasing these figures. I get the impression that modern era figures (in the loosest sense of the word 'modern', have traditionally met with only a luke warm reception, which is unfortunate, cause I can't get enough of them. I'll be getting multiples of the 2 Falklands figures and rebadging / re-beret-ing them so I can have at least 2 different figures from the Paras and Marines.

I'm surprised ther haven't been more SAS CT figures released, because, well, they look seriously cool. I've got a Sarum casting and a Frontline figure, but apart from the plastic Airfix 1/32 figures, my options for storming the odd Iranian embassy, are a bit limited.

I really hope these do well enough to trigger more releases.

I'd also welcome some of the suggestions you've come up with as well. If it's 'modern', I'll get it!

I think the 1980's and early 90's are a great modern era to focus on with all the military conflicts they had; Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Operation Urgent Fury, Operation Just Cause, the Gulf War, Battle of Mogandisha, Falklands War, etc.

Ahhh, a couple of 1/32 or 1/30 scale Blackhawks would do nicely.:eek:
Ahhh, a couple of 1/32 or 1/30 scale Blackhawks would do nicely.:eek:

Many cool dios could be built with all this period has to offer, 1) Rangers fighting, and fast roping off the Blackhawks, 2) Rangers and 82nd Airborne Torrijos International Airport or the La Comandancia during Just Cause, 3) British troops landing in the Falklands...need I say more!;):D

Heck, in all the excitement, I forgot about this fella. Yes, he will be bought as well!

I've already picked up a couple of rocks that will look great as boulders, and will go perfect with him in a Middle East setting. Simon, you should consider building another Iraqi building to go with this smashing Blackwatch soldier!:D

I've already picked up a couple of rocks that will look great as boulders, and will go perfect with him in a Middle East setting. Simon, you should consider building another Iraqi building to go with this smashing Blackwatch soldier!:D


Funny, I keep looking at rocks without thinking about it, and shaping them up in my head next to toy soldiers. If there's a sudden spate of rockery garden thefts in my area, then I'll turn myself in. :D

Vick, finished the second building a while back, just failed miserably to get any photos on to the forum yet. Planning numbers 3 and 4, along with a maze of walls that you always seem to see in suburban Iraq city photos.
Vick, finished the second building a while back, just failed miserably to get any photos on to the forum yet. Planning numbers 3 and 4, along with a maze of walls that you always seem to see in suburban Iraq city photos.

Simon, you should consider adding a Saddam propaganda painting on the side of one of your buildings.

Geez how could any one man be that full of himself?:eek:

You have to wonder what he was thinking about when they strung him up!

75 or so palaces with millions stuffed in the walls and he winds up swinging

who was his mentor? Bernie Madoff?:D
I think the person who did that one, is a bit more of a dab hand with the paintbrush than me. ;)

I was actually thinking about this and if there is some kinda phtopaper that almost like those tattoos you lick and apply to the side of the building or otherwise taking an airbrush and adding graffiti would be cool!:cool:


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