I started this to distinguish this piece from the ECW guidon bearer. The stance looks promising.
I've added a head, sculpted in the trousers, the boots (which will need some resizing) and the sash so far.
I rediscovered this piece. How they go missing in the first place beats me. Perhaps they have a life of their own....
I tried several pairs of boots on this figure, including from an ex-Marlborough figure before deciding to stick with the present pair.
I decided that the previous head was too small and substituted it with this head (MIG, I think). The head is still too small and I have started to enlarge it with putty. Having decided on this pose, I am now sculpting in the details, including the bow and sash ends.
I spent most of the weekend sculpting this piece and the AWI boy drummer.
The right arm pose was changed. The bow was sculpted. The boots were carefully filed into the final shape. The head was enlarged and the top part was snipped off to accommodate a hat. I created a hat from putty, and added a feather.
Following a white undercoat, the right arm was extended by about 1 mm. The ensign was expected to be able to hold and wave the flag and short staff with only his right arm, while the left arm was held in this nonchalant pose.
I printed out the flag and glued it to a short flag staff. It represents one of the London trained bands under Parliament. Hence the figure should be wearing an orange-coloured sash. The flag staff was attached to the right hand after several tries at repositioning the right hand. I cleaned up the obvious defects and have given the figure a basic undercoat in acrylics.
When I tried to add sculpted nails to the flag staff, the water used to smooth the putty caused the paper flag to disintegrate. So I was stymied and put the piece aside.
Recently I've decided to use thin copper sheet for the flag. So a suitably sized piece was cut out and one edge was gently rolled round the flag staff. This was then epoxied in place. The nail heads were then sculpted along the flag staff.
I carefully epoxied the flag and staff to the figure. After the glue had set, I further refined the figure with more sculpting. The flag was sprayed with matt white undercoat.
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