English Verbal Clarity on just Hoping intead of.... (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Apr 28, 2005
:) HI Guys! My Just Hoping isn't a DEMAND in the English Dictionary! Nor is it a Suggestion! Possible a WISHING Proverb! Anyhow, I do admit that I push a Little Bit Harder than the average Bear! So What, if I asked K&C, or Suggest to K & C, about making 'NEW' Products that Pop-Up in my Head about my Interest in WW2 likings? Just Passing tru to the Toy Companies of my Preference's; on possible likings of Similar thoughts! Last Week, I was trying to bring up the Subject; (GAS PRICE Inflation ), that may hurts us Collector's, and Toy Makers both; and Someone Not Mentioning who; but Immedieately Erased my Important Facts that was pertaining to our Future Toy Buying! I thought that FREEDOM-OF-SPEECH was an American Constitutional Admendment Aloha!
Hear, hear!

Though I must point out, respectfully, that the First Amendment applies to Congress, but not to private publications, which may choose what they print (in any medium) or not print, bounded, of course, by laws on printing untruths, or violating community standards. Congress can't tell us what we may or may not say (yet), but an editor may choose to allow or not allow speech.

But otherwise, I agree with you, sir! Good point!


The thread that you referred to about gas prices was overly political and, in fact, did elicit political responses. That's why it was deleted.


Regarding your response, we've gone over this before so please desist.
:confused:Oh, so now I cant post my opinion on certain matters......What happened to freedom of speech or "sleep"..........?????????????
Your post is just designed to make light or fun of what he says. My suggestion is to ignore what he has to say. If I see those posts again, they'll be deleted.
Yes sir boss man. I guess you can edit whatever is on my mind. God forbid someone has a different idea or comment. We should all get along. What country do we live in again......???????:cool:
Yes sir boss man. I guess you can edit whatever is on my mind. God forbid someone has a different idea or comment. We should all get along. What country do we live in again......???????:cool:

Hey bud-

I certainly hope we don't loose you over all of this- I enjoy your comments immensely. Trust me, I don't think anyone out there has been as insulted by John's comments as I was when he out of left field came out and blasted me for disrepecting his family members for their service in the Bulge- (a comment he made on another one of his littanies of request threads). The comment was just so utterly off base that is was laughable and just made himself look goofy.

I have long since learned to completely ignore the guy. I don't even look at his threads anymore but just saw HALO responding so many times on this one I knew something had to be up. I'd like you to stick it out as we prior service types forge a small fraternity here on the 'frog.

Take care,
I think the thing with free speech is this,John has every right to list whatever he likes in the same way people who find his lists boring have the right to say that too.Everybody is different and all opinions are valid as long as they are not insulting,as was the sound of Johns comment to Chris.

I think the thing with free speech is this,John has every right to list whatever he likes in the same way people who find his lists boring have the right to say that too.Everybody is different and all opinions are valid as long as they are not insulting,as was the sound of Johns comment to Chris.


Totally agree with you, Rob.

Censorship is an important part of dictatorship and the risk with the control of opinions is that it may turns TF in a propaganda tool to the service of few members only.

I respectfully direct everyone back to my earlier post.

The First Amendment guarantees that Congress may not abridge speech, but a private publication, no matter the form it may take, be it print, which was known to the Founding Fathers, or e-format, which they never dreamed of, may establish editorial policies for what it will or will not publish.

So it's less a matter of political rights and more an issue of following the rules we've agreed to as members of the forum, and whether we want to taint what is otherwise a very enjoyable hobby, and a very enjoyable forum, with what amounts to "You're one!" "you're another" "nyah, nyah, nyah!", etc, etc.

Brad, my hat is off to you, being a moderator must be like herding cats at times like this.

Prost, beianand!
Certainly agree there,must be a hard job moderating us lot!;)

I think Brad (theBaron) provides a very clear summary of the issue and it sort of hints at another concept which always lurks in the background of any community or forum, that being the less formally defined, but equally important notion of decorum or manners if you will. A good analogy is something like: We all like to live how we choose in our own homes, but how many of us appreciate the next door neighbor with 9 broken down cars in the front yard, a loud barking dog. and an overgrown weedy lawn. Its a bit of a sticky thing, isn't it?

I think Brad (theBaron) provides a very clear summary of the issue and it sort of hints at another concept which always lurks in the background of any community or forum, that being the less formally defined, but equally important notion of decorum or manners if you will. A good analogy is something like: We all like to live how we choose in our own homes, but how many of us appreciate the next door neighbor with 9 broken down cars in the front yard, a loud barking dog. and an overgrown weedy lawn. Its a bit of a sticky thing, isn't it?


Absolutely right,its not clear cut.

.....but how many of us appreciate the next door neighbor with 9 broken down cars in the front yard, a loud barking dog. and an overgrown weedy lawn.


Sir, when were you by my house?? Should have stopped over- we could have had a lively discussion on toy soldiers .........

I should also like to add that my "broken down cars" are on cinder blocks and I do allow my young son to run among the yard in nothing but his diaper :p:p
That's OK, my knucklehead nextdoor neighbors sit out in their backyard smoking weed, and they let their dog come over and poo on my front yard. They stand there and watch him, even when I have caught him as I've come out the front door on my way to work.

Now, this is Bethlehem, and our lots are only about 60' across, and the houses are about 15-18' apart, so it's not like you can't notice.

It calls to mind one of my favorite lines from "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels": "They're not the quickest of cats, at the best of times."

Sir, when were you by my house?? Should have stopped over- we could have had a lively discussion on toy soldiers .........

I should also like to add that my "broken down cars" are on cinder blocks and I do allow my young son to run among the yard in nothing but his diaper :p:p

Way too funny, my friend, but...I know you are lying because I've seen photos of your property and kids on this very forum. :)

Way too funny, my friend, but...I know you are lying because I've seen photos of your property and kids on this very forum. :)


:p:p You have seen pictures of A PROPERTY and A CHILD- I really run over into my one neighbors yard and take pictures. The cute little kid was another neighbors that I threw into a burlap bag and drug into the yard as a prop :D

Alright, I'll leave it go at that.

I am finding that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of work that I get done on Friday's and the amount of nonsense I post on this forum on Fridays- as one decreases, the other increases. Thank God I'm not self-employed.
...The First Amendment guarantees that Congress may not abridge speech...

So it's less a matter of political rights and more an issue of following the rules we've agreed to as members of the forum...

Prost, beianand!

Hi Brad,

I am always referring in my posts to the right to speak freely by respecting the rules edicted by the legitimate owners of the forum.

They are quite simple and read as follow:

The Treefrog Forum has grown tremendously over the last several years and we thank all of you for being a part of this growing community.

In order to keep the forum running well and to prevent problems, please follow these simple rules for the forums here. If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact one of the Staff Members.

General Rules:
While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters.
Advertising, spamming and trolling is not allowed. This includes using the forum email and Private message system to spam other members.
We also do not allow posts that are sexual in nature or violate Treefrog community standards. The Treefrog team shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards.
Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed.
We reserve the right to remove offensive posts without notice.
Also while these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.
We also reserve the right to ban anyone who willfully violates the forum rules, as access to these toy soldier forums is a privilege and not a right. Any threads/posts of these types will be deleted.

Problems may (and I insist on the word "may") occur when the arbiter(s) choose their side.


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