Enola *** Navigator Dies (1 Viewer)

May My comrade in Arms Rest in Peace.

I just picked a Wooden Warbird type of Enola *** last week and it means so much more now.

John from Texas
Thoughts go out to his family. Hopefully at 93 he enjoyed a happy life ! :salute:: :salute:: :salute::
Another of "The Greatest Generation" has passed on. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/30/us/30vankirk.html?_r=1

I'm sure with his navigational skills, he found himself a better place.

"Captain Van Kirk spread out his navigation charts on a small table behind Colonel Tibbets’s seat. From that spot, at the end of a long tunnel atop the bomb bays, he took the plane’s bearings, using a hand-held sextant to guide with the stars."

I'm so used to this I probably can't even use a compass anymore.


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