Estimation of the ratio of losses on the Soviet-German and Western fronts Part 2 (1 Viewer)

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Mar 24, 2012
[Quote Originally Posted by Rutledge View Post
Ok, sure thing Big ‘un. But you see, hoss, 26 million dead means Russia lost more killed than every other country - combined. Thus, based on that metric, Russia actually lost the war.

Let us compare the losses of Germany with the losses of England and the USA on the Second Front.

We will try to estimate the losses of England and the USA on the Second Front, relying on the data of B. C. Urlanis. [8]

During the war years, England lost 1,246 thousand people, the United States - 1,070 thousand people. The total total losses of England and the USA are

1,246 + 1,070 = 2,316 thousand people

Given that before the opening of the Second Front, England lost 667 thousand people. and that in the war with Japan, British casualties amounted to "11.4% of the total number of dead soldiers and officers", and US casualties - 25%, we get that England and the United States lost 500 thousand people, respectively. and 800 thousand people. and that the total losses of England and the USA on the Second Front are:

500 + 800 = 1,300 thousand people

Thus, the losses of England and the United States on the Second Front account for approximately 60% of their total combined losses in World War II.

As mentioned above, the losses of the USSR amount to 11.273 million people, that is, at first glance, they are not comparable with the losses of 1.3 million people suffered by England and the United States on the Second Front. On this basis, it is concluded that the Allied command skillfully fought and cherished people, while the Soviet High Command allegedly bombarded the enemy trenches with the corpses of their soldiers. But comparing the data on total losses does not give an objective picture. Based on the data on daily losses shown in Table 1, it can be obtained that from June 7, 1944 to May 8, 1945, that is, during the existence of the Second Front, the losses of the Red Army amounted to 1.8 million people, which only slightly exceeds the losses of the Allies. As you know, the length of the Second Front was 640 km, [9] while the Soviet-German one was from 2,000 to 3,000 km, an average of 2,500 km, i.e. 4 times the length of the Second Front. Therefore, in the sector of the front, the length equal to the length of the Second Front, the Red Army lost about 450 thousand people, which is about 3 times less than the losses of the Allies. These values ​​are summarized in table 3.

Table 3. Losses of the USSR, England and the USA

during the existence of the Second Front 06.06.44 - 05.05.45

the USSR England and the USA

Period duration (days) - All Soviet-German. front (million people) - on the front 640 km long (million people) - Daily loss (people) : Second front (million people) - Daily loss (people)

338 - 1.8 - 0.45- 1,300: 1.3 - 3 800

Consider the ratio of losses of the Allied and German armies. The literature gives the total losses of the German army, but data on the losses of Germany on the Second Front are not given, probably knowingly. "Against inexperienced, albeit war-torn Americans and war-weary British tired of the war, the Germans could set up an army, according to Max Hastings," having gained a historical reputation as undaunted and reached its zenith under Hitler. " Hastings claims: “Everywhere during the Second World War, whenever and wherever the British and American troops met with the German forces on equal terms, the Germans won.” <...> Most of all, Hastings and other historians were struck by the ratio of losses, which developed in a proportion of two to one and even higher in favor of the Germans. "[10]

Unfortunately, we do not have the data used by Hastings, but if there is no direct data on the losses of Germany on the Second Front, we will try to estimate them indirectly. The Great Patriotic War lasted 1418 days, the Second Front existed 338 days, which is 1/4 of the duration of the Great Patriotic War. Considering that the intensity of the battles waged by the German army in the West and in the East was the same, and that the losses per kilometer of the front are equal, we get that the losses of Germany on the Eastern Front should not be divided by 4, but, taking into account the difference in the length of the front line, approximately at 16. From these assumptions the results follow, which are summarized in table 4.

Table 4. Losses of Germany on the Second Front 06.06.44-08.05.45

Soviet-German Front Second front
Length 2,500 km 640 km

Losses (million people) Daily losses (people) Losses (million people) Daily losses (people)

8.65 - 6 100 0.54 - 1,500

On the Second Front, Germany lost 540 thousand people. Thus, we find that on the Second Front the loss ratio is 24 Anglo-American soldiers to 10 German soldiers, and not vice versa, which very well coincides with the Hastings estimate.

A similar ratio was observed in the Ardennes operation, which was carried out by the German command from December 16, 1944 to January 28, 1945. According to the German general Melentin, [11] during this operation the allied army lost 77 thousand soldiers, and the German “almost 25,000, a quarter of which were killed," [12] that is, we get a ratio of 31 to 10, comparable to obtained by the above estimate.

B.Ts. Urlanis cites the German document [13], from which it follows that, excluding the Soviet-German and Second Front, Germany lost 530 thousand people. Thus, the data on the losses of the Soviet Union, England and the USA and Germany can be tabulated.

Table 5. Losses of the USSR, Germany, England and the USA

(million people)

the USSR: Soviet-German front - 11.273

Germany: Soviet-German front - 8.65

England and the USA: Second front - 1.3

Germany: Second front - 0.54

Germany: other fronts losses - 0.53

Germany total losses - 9.72

These data give us the opportunity to determine both the ratio of losses of the warring parties and the proportion of losses suffered by Germany on the Soviet-German and Second Fronts.

Table 6. The ratio of losses on the Soviet-German and Second Fronts

For the entire war of 1941-1945.: 8.65 / 11.273 - 10/14

In the period 1941-1942: 2.0 / 6.40 - 10/32

In the period 1943-1945: 6.65 / 4.87 - 14/10

[I]Germany-England and the USA
Second Front 06.06.44-08.05.45: 0.54 / 1.3 [/I]- 10/24

Thus, it can be argued that the power of the German army was decisively undermined by the Red Army on the Soviet-German front.
With overwhelming superiority in people and technology, the Anglo-American command showed indecision and inefficiency, comparable to the confusion and unpreparedness of the Soviet command in the initial period of the war in 1941-1942.

This statement is supported by the data in the following table.

Table 7. The share of losses in Germany in battles:

on Soviet-German. front: 8.65 / 9.72 = 90%

on all fronts except Soviet-German: 1.07 / 9.72 = 10%

on the Second Front: 0.54 / 9.72 = 5.5%

Based on the evidence given and the relations obtained above, it can be argued that at the final stage of the war the Soviet command fought more skillfully than the German one and was much more effective than the Anglo-American one, because “the art of warfare requires courage and intelligence, and not only superiority in equipment and number of troops. “[18]
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Pure communist propaganda

All war 1939 - 1945 all fronts military only

Based only on official reports written after the end of the war not n guesses or estimations
URSS 10,73 M ( official defense URSS Ministery ) including the 0.137M lost during their common attack with Germany against Poland ) 25% of the total force
USA 0,42M ( congressional Report ) 2,5% of total force
Commonwealth 0,58 M ( War Commission ) 5,2%

Germany 5,53 M 30% of their force
Japan 2,12 M 20%
Yes, it seems a bit off to me. Or a troll. And I have a aversion to banging my head against the wall.
Pure communist propaganda

All war 1939 - 1945 all fronts military only

Based only on official reports written after the end of the war not n guesses or estimations
URSS 10,73 M ( official defense URSS Ministery ) including the 0.137M lost during their common attack with Germany against Poland ) 25% of the total force
USA 0,42M ( congressional Report ) 2,5% of total force
Commonwealth 0,58 M ( War Commission ) 5,2%

Germany 5,53 M 30% of their force
Japan 2,12 M 20%

Hi there.

Could you please list the sources for the Official Reports, Congressional Report and War Commission

Yes, it seems a bit off to me. Or a troll. And I have a aversion to banging my head against the wall.

I’m just trying to find out what is the truth and what is the myth.
Would really appreciate your help.

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I’m just trying to find out what is the truth and what is the myth.
Would really appreciate your help.


The truth is Mr Tanky-Poo, WWII is over, Russia lost 26 million killed and the US lost 420,000. But yeah, maybe you didn’t need the US or anyone else to defeat Germany, the same way you didn’t need anyone else to keep the Berlin Walk from crumbling, along with the former USSR, Chernobyl, at least two nuclear subs and your pathetically inept attempt to occupy Afghanistan, which ended in bitter defeat and humiliation for your big tough army.

The truth is, also, that America recognizes Russia as a sworn enemy of our country it’s people and culture. Western Europe, and most other decent countries see Russia the same.

We also have zero interest in your pitiful attempt at dialogue. No one cares about your so called facts and opinions. They change nothing, zip zero nada. Russia will always be on the outs looking in when it comes to being a member in good standing among civilized nations. You and your fellow Putin loving Russians are not welcome. You are despised and loathed. You have only worsened those sentiments with your grotesque performance on this forum.
The truth is Mr Tanky-Poo, WWII is over, Russia lost 26 million killed and the US lost 420,000. But yeah, maybe you didn’t need the US or anyone else to defeat Germany, the same way you didn’t need anyone else to keep the Berlin Walk from crumbling, along with the former USSR, Chernobyl, at least two nuclear subs and your pathetically inept attempt to occupy Afghanistan, which ended in bitter defeat and humiliation for your big tough army.

The truth is, also, that America recognizes Russia as a sworn enemy of our country it’s people and culture. Western Europe, and most other decent countries see Russia the same.

We also have zero interest in your pitiful attempt at dialogue. No one cares about your so called facts and opinions. They change nothing, zip zero nada. Russia will always be on the outs looking in when it comes to being a member in good standing among civilized nations. You and your fellow Putin loving Russians are not welcome. You are despised and loathed. You have only worsened those sentiments with your grotesque performance on this forum.

Don’t forget how the Soviet Union saved the world from Hitler

Is it true that the Soviets killed more Germans in Stalingrad, than all the western front fighting combined?

Stalingrad 868374 killed include italian, romanian, hungarian, finn, croatian etс

Allied invasion of Italy 630 killed!!!! :)

Western_Front 43310+459000 killed

868374 vs approx 503000

Answer is YES and this is breaking all USA and West Ally myths about the Victory

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Just to put things in to perspective. The Soviet Union as a state was directly and indirectly responsible for the death of approx. 61 Million souls between 1917 and 1938. Stalin alone was responsible for the direct and indirect deaths of approx. 20 Million souls for a period ending in 1937.
To therefore to cast the USSR as the great saviour of Europe and sole defeater of the Nazi's is a gross misrepresentation of the facts, in reality it was a war between two repugnant regimes and Europe had one removed only to be replaced by another that was equality as bad and in some cases worse .
Just to put things in to perspective. The Soviet Union as a state was directly and indirectly responsible for the death of approx. 61 Million souls between 1917 and 1938. Stalin alone was responsible for the direct and indirect deaths of approx. 20 Million souls for a period ending in 1937.
To therefore to cast the USSR as the great saviour of Europe and sole defeater of the Nazi's is a gross misrepresentation of the facts, in reality it was a war between two repugnant regimes and Europe had one removed only to be replaced by another that was equality as bad and in some cases worse .

Hi Wayne.

Glad to see you here.

Yes, you are right about the mass killing in Russia.
Just want to let you know that the numbers are exaggerated.

Well, unfortunatelly it happened in every country at some stages of the history.
Even in America’s history was a genocide by which the Russian mass killing looks like a joke.

"By 1691, the population of indigenous Americans had declined by 90-95 percent, or by around 130 million people."[29] See below for examples of state-sponsored murder against the Native peoples of California.”

For some reason all the mass killings tied to Stalin, What is a myth.
About 8 million people lost their lives during the Russian Civil War.

I hope that you know that roughly 1,264,000 American soldiers have died in the nation’s wars--620,000 in the Civil War and 644,000 in all other conflicts.

We can’t change the history, can we?

Kind Regards.
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You would like to portray the numbers as exaggerated but they are not. Although I'm not completely comfortable in relying on Wikipedia, the documentation in the referenced article are from recognized and respected sources. Yours may be but unless you give us an English source, we cannot test your assertions.

Excess mortality in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin
In addition, your number on the numbers of deaths of Native Americans is incorrect. See the following article, which, considering the source, would not have underestimated the number of deaths.

Atrocities Against Native Americans
Hi Wayne.

Glad to see you here.

Yes, you are right about the mass killing in Russia.
Just want to let you know that the numbers are exaggerated.

Well, unfortunatelly it happened in every country at some stages of the history.
Even in America’s history was a genocide by which the Russian mass killing looks like a joke.

"By 1691, the population of indigenous Americans had declined by 90-95 percent, or by around 130 million people."[29] See below for examples of state-sponsored murder against the Native peoples of California.”

For some reason all the mass killings tied to Stalin, What is a myth.
About 8 million people lost their lives during the Russian Civil War.

I hope that you know that roughly 1,264,000 American soldiers have died in the nation’s wars--620,000 in the Civil War and 644,000 in all other conflicts.

We can’t change the history, can we?

Kind Regards.

History is in the past. The future of Russia, it’s culture, people and place in the world, is bleak. Russian culture is based on lies, lying, obfuscation, repression, murder and corruption. It is rotten to its core. It provides nothing of value to the world except the extraction of natural resources, which is why it will always be a third world country, where most of the people are miserable and impoverished. There are no Russian technology companies worth a ****, except those that exist to hack and steal from the western world. It’s a criminal state, run by criminals, thugs, brutes and aparataciks, all of whom are in Putin’s debt.
It’s a pariah state, deserving only our contempt and hatred. Hope you can feel it.
Churchill warned Roosevelt that wherever the Russians went to displace the Germans they would never leave. How true, they forced Communism on most of Eastern Europe.
Churchill was in a bind, he knew what Stalin was but needed Russia to defeat Nazi Germany......the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I knew people who lived in Hungary,
Yugoslavia, Poland and Rumania under Communism and life was tough and often fatal.
History is in the past. The future of Russia, it’s culture, people and place in the world, is bleak. Russian culture is based on lies, lying, obfuscation, repression, murder and corruption. It is rotten to its core. It provides nothing of value to the world except the extraction of natural resources, which is why it will always be a third world country, where most of the people are miserable and impoverished. There are no Russian technology companies worth a ****, except those that exist to hack and steal from the western world. It’s a criminal state, run by criminals, thugs, brutes and aparataciks, all of whom are in Putin’s debt.
It’s a pariah state, deserving only our contempt and hatred. Hope you can feel it.

Putin Says He Offered to Sell Trump Russia’s Newest Missiles.

Could you please do everyone a favor. Please stop with your propaganda.

It would be great if you would posts some facts about the theme.

Kind Regards.
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Putin Says He Offered to Sell Trump Russia’s Newest Missiles.

Could you please do everyone a favor. Please stop with your propaganda.

It would be great if you would posts some facts about the theme.

Kind Regards.

Stop with the propaganda? Practically everything you've posted on this topic qualifies as propaganda.
Putin Says He Offered to Sell Trump Russia’s Newest Missiles.

Could you please do everyone a favor. Please stop with your propaganda.

It would be great if you would posts some facts about the theme.

Kind Regards.

Hahahahaha It doesn’t get any funnier than this! If dear old Vlad said it, it must be true! Hahahahaha

Russia is our greatest enemy on the planet. And will be - at least until it fails again.

How’s it feel to be a citizen of a country with an economy 90% smaller than the US? 90%! Russia is NOT even among the ten largest economies in the world. The state of California, New York and Texas, by themselves, have larger economies than all of Russia. But maybe you can convince them to split off and become part of Russia! Hahahahaha

Really dude, your efforts are beyond pathetic. Americans rarely move to Russia while millions of your countrymen have fled the parish state of Russia to settle here so they can have half decent lives.

Bottom line: Russia sucks.
Hahahahaha It doesn’t get any funnier than this! If dear old Vlad said it, it must be true! Hahahahaha

Russia is our greatest enemy on the planet. And will be - at least until it fails again.

How’s it feel to be a citizen of a country with an economy 90% smaller than the US? 90%! Russia is NOT even among the ten largest economies in the world. The state of California, New York and Texas, by themselves, have larger economies than all of Russia. But maybe you can convince them to split off and become part of Russia! Hahahahaha

Really dude, your efforts are beyond pathetic. Americans rarely move to Russia while millions of your countrymen have fled the parish state of Russia to settle here so they can have half decent lives.

Bottom line: Russia sucks.

It is the last time I talking to you, Rutledge.

It is really sad that people like you can’t see that the world is changing.

Your are saying that Russia is the country with an economy 90% smaller than the US. [/QUOTE]
And at the same time you are saying that: Russia is our greatest enemy on the planet [/QUOTE]

Looks like you are scared to death just because you know that if a war happened between USA and Russia there would be USA no more.

Have a good day.
Stop with the propaganda? Practically everything you've posted on this topic qualifies as propaganda.

Hahahahaha It doesn’t get any funnier than this! If dear old Vlad said it, it must be true! Hahahahaha

Russia is our greatest enemy on the planet. And will be - at least until it fails again.

How’s it feel to be a citizen of a country with an economy 90% smaller than the US? 90%! Russia is NOT even among the ten largest economies in the world. The state of California, New York and Texas, by themselves, have larger economies than all of Russia. But maybe you can convince them to split off and become part of Russia! Hahahahaha

Really dude, your efforts are beyond pathetic. Americans rarely move to Russia while millions of your countrymen have fled the parish state of Russia to settle here so they can have half decent lives.

Bottom line: Russia sucks.

I suggest we ignore him at this point. He’s probably just a bot.
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