Euro sitrep winter 2013 (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

I just got back to Hong Kong yesterday afternoon from the K&C “Winter Eurotrip” to Italy, France and U.K. As usual it’s a great opportunity for me to link up with dealers, collectors and other toy soldier enthusiasts at a range of different events and shows, large and small that take place at this time.

First stop was Milan where I joined up with Sr. Stefano Allorini of SAIMEX, the National Distributor for K&C in Italy. Almost immediately we visited one of our leading collectors there who, in a joint venture with SAIMEX is building his own toy soldier museum!

Near the center of Milan the large spacious area will incorporate dioramas, displays and a dedicated shop space. As Milan and its surrounding area has a fair number of collectors this new “bricks ‘n’ mortar” establishment should be successful. It helps, of course, that the collector also owns the building itself!

Another of the main reasons to visit was to attend, along with SAIMEX, the “Winter” toy fair that takes place at the end of November (or early December) in Milan. In addition to the show there was to be a K&C “Meet ‘n’ Greet” during the show. The show itself, held in a huge hanger-like space on the outskirts of the city, attracts thousands of collectors from all over Italy…like many Italian events it’s a “general” toy show with a large number of various toys including trains, die casts and vintage toys…SAIMEX had something like 9 tables right at the opening of the show…a terrific location. By the time, I arrived there was already quite a crowd at the tables and a fair bit of cash changing hands! And here’s another thing…the show began at 9:00am and closed at 5:00pm – so no need to feel rushed. I also got a chance to get round the tables, buy up some great die casts and quite a few good reference books.

At around mid-day we began our K&C get-together. Stefano expected about 40 to come…We welcomed well over 60! I was able to display some of our latest pieces…including the KnC additions and new “Life of Jesus” and “Classic Wehrmacht” and some upcoming “Royal Marines”. Then we did the Question & Answer section with some excellent translation work from one of Stefano’s staff.

In the years since we began doing these overseas trips I am very happy to say they just get better and more enjoyable each year. Italy has many great and dedicated K&C collectors who enjoy sharing their fun and discussing all aspects of the hobby…and they don’t mind traveling…Aside from Milan collectors, we also welcomed others from Sardinia, Rome, Naples and a couple from Sicily. A teffific bunch of people…and plenty of useful feedback.

From Milan it was onto Paris and hook ups with a group of French dealers including our old mate, Fred Genard of Toy Soldiers Paris, the ladies from Solda’ Telis (Sylvie and Marie-Alix) and Phylip of Figurines Et Collections. In addition I had the good fortune to also meet Alain, Jacques and Daniel, three long-standing K&C collectors and see their amazing collections.

Jacques is also one of the principal curators of the Palace of Versailles near Paris and provided a personal guided tour. This place is truly, one of the wonders of world and has to be seen to be believed. Originally it was only going to be couple of hours visit…it took an entire day and was worth every minute of it! Merci beaucoup to all of our French friends for a superb visit, some excellent wine and several outstanding lunches and dinners. One sad little thing though…”Histoire et Collections”, my favorite French military book store has closed its doors…another victim of AMAZON.COM!!!

From Paris by Eurostar to London and just in time for the December Show…I arrived at the Islington venue half an hour before the opening time to see the entire K&C UK Team frantically putting the final touches to their stand. Their trip down from Durham in the North of England had almost been a disaster! Their large hire truck broke down a couple of miles down the road…Turned out – contaminated fuel of all things, the fault of the hire company.

Eventually a suitable replacement was found and all the contents trans shipped onto the new vehicle. However many valuable hours were lost resulting in a lot less time to set up. That being said Mike, Tony, Dave, Mrs. N. as well as Bob’s sons Dan and Jack did a fantastic job and had all the new dios and displays finally ready just as the first crowds poured in at 10 o’clock.

Having also been at last year’s December Show the crowd was noticeably larger and…spending! I had my little corner and spent a very happy few hours helping to show off the “new stuff” and the “previews” and field questions from collectors from all over the UK as well as others from the U.S., Italy, Germany, Holland, (Hi to the Dutch contingent) France and Belgium.

I personally, from a collector’s point-of-view, like the new venue but for the dealers it’s still a bit of a logistical nightmare with limited access both for delivery and packing up afterwards. Throughout the day the K&C UK gang were busy passing over prepaid orders and picking up brand-new collectors. For the first time, I never got up to the Mezzanine area…I did however get to talk with Britain’s Ken Osen and some of our other continental dealers from Belgium and Germany.

Putting on my “collector hat” I finally, near the end of the day, did get around a few tables and pick up some “bits ‘n’ bobs” for my own collection and for reference for a big new project.

At the end of the day Mike & Tony were well-pleased…Sales had been excellent and the response to the new items was very positive. As I watched the crowds depart there were plenty of full shopping bags and lots of happy faces. Talking with the show organizers the “gate” was noticeably “up” from last year and the collectors were spending…So, that spread a little cheer about the dealers’ tables.

After a big show like this December one the K&C UK team and yours truly meet up over dinner, go over the day…and hold a kind of “post mortem” – although in this case a very happy one! We talk and discuss new ideas, approaches and suggestions for the coming year…Amid much banter and good fun we do get to know better what the customer likes and dislikes…wants, needs and must-haves,…Ideas are batted back and forth across the table and, hopefully, all of us go our separate ways with a lot to think about and plan accordingly. After days like this I eventually get back to my hotel room and jot down as many of the relevant points, suggestions and ideas as I can remember.

Then, when I get back to HK I consolidate them along with the others from elsewhere and get ready to discuss them with the team here in Head Office. A few will, alas, be rejected. Others will be carefully considered and perhaps, put into a “holding pattern” for a later date. Some, however, will be “green-lit” and put into development right away. That’s what’s so exciting about getting out and about and meeting as many of you guys in as many different places as possible and working together to make us better…you happier…and all of us have even more fun in this great hobby of ours.

A very, very big thankyou to all of those we met and talked with. Your thoughts, your views and your friendship mean a lot to me personally and to all of us at King & Country in Hong Kong and San Antonio.

Have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas!

Andy C.
Andy, thank you for sharing this update.

However I do have a question .. latest pieces from 3 ranges were previewed in Milan, including pieces for the Life of Jesus range. A distant picture of a new boat was shared here on Treefrog.

Now the London show was extensively photographed and many pics posted here by forum members. Whilst many of the photos showed the new Alamo, Wehrmacht, marines pieces ... might I asked what happened to the new LoJ pieces and boat? Do you have any pictures that you can share with us ?

Thank you & A Merry X'mas to you and all in K&C.

Thanks Andy for sharing your trip in Europe,

Makes me want to fly right away to see the Palais de Versailles.

Serge :)
That is a lot of running around just before the holidays. As fun and glamorous as a European tour sounds I'm sure it's a lot of work and no doubt a grind. Here's wishing all involved at K&C from the humble painters in the factories right up to the head honcho Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. I hope you all get a little bit of down time to rest and refresh with friends and family and at least for a little while forget about toy soldiers...........but not for to long because we need more OPERATION MARKET GARDEN PARATROOPERS!!! {sm4}
Andy, It was good meeting you again and glad you enjoyed the show. I thought the plastic Alamo figures were great value for money and well presented and this new venture deserves to do well.

I was the one who (always :rolleyes2:) asks about the Crimean War and I am looking forward to the new releases early next year! ^&cool

Jeff :salute::
Thank Andy for the time that gives us during your visit to the london show.
it's nice to see how you respond to our wish list
Also it is nice to see it all our friends again
it was a great day and I look again after 2014.
Greetings and everyone had a great Christmas and healthy 2014.

Guess i will have to add my halfpenny"s worth to this thread and agree with the other guys....Yes it was an extremely enjoyable show, Loads to see and buy..(which i did). the traditional liqiud lunch with a great group of guys from the forum>>(next year better Rob) and indeed a very interesting 20 minutes spent talking with Andy and exchanging ideas over the toy soldier hobby and how it is leading us in new directions. I also had the chance to look at and hold >>> Yes i ignored the please don"t touch signs!!<<the new plastic additions, and i must say i was far more impressed than i had expected.
The plastic figures are really good value for money, and a great filler-up for large dioramas, and the Sherman M4 was much-much better in the flesh than in the photographs, and i can see all sorts of possibilities for this tank which anyone with a little modelling skill could turn into something quite special!!....So thanks Andy for your time and i am really quite chuffed that one of my wish list ideas will be produced sometime in the coming year...Yes i
promise to keep it under my bonnet!!!!!!.

Steve......Dutch KC Club

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