K&C has produced a windfall of incredible USMC figures … which, like you I have on order. If no new USMC appear I won't be that disappointed .. {sm4}
The JN Naval figures have been sparse the last six month, so I hope we see a return to the naval side of WWII Pacific. Still looking for Carrier deck furniture and equipment.
I can think of dozens that would be very welcomed. At this point only Admiral Yamamoto is available for officers …. and that looks odd ...:tongue:
Last JN Army was one figure (JN050) so maybe additional surprises there ….???
As mentioned Japanese prisoners (… or really causalities, which would be the more normal for Island fighting) might be in the offering with the previews a while ago.
Fingers crossed.
The last USN figure was USN024 --- CICPAC ---- and that was a while ago. Really need more help in this area.
(Pilots, Officers, crew, TBM .:rolleyes2: .. and more would be nice.)
I don't want much, do I ….^&grin
--- LaRRy