Exlusive personal gifts by Niena Studio (1 Viewer)

The cost of this figure was 2000 euros
includes sculpting the portrait (face) and painting with any heraldry
(used the current figure)

Painted for celebration the birthday (50 years)

Wonderful painting as always...great job.

Love the 50th bithday knight with scorpion flag, don't recall getting anything like this on my 50th. Will have to take care of myself on my 55th. Never seen any Niena
Studios figures, only photos, which appear amazing. Maybe I'll get to see some at
East Coast Show in November or buy some from Niena.
Love the 50th bithday knight with scorpion flag, don't recall getting anything like this on my 50th. Will have to take care of myself on my 55th. Never seen any Niena
Studios figures, only photos, which appear amazing. Maybe I'll get to see some at
East Coast Show in November or buy some from Niena.

Ask Nickolas "Scarlet Pimpernel" what shows he will be at. He caries a ton of Niena. Great guy and highly recomended.

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