Expeditionary Force Royal Marines. (1 Viewer)


Jan 26, 2008
I did some conversions of the stock Royal Marine figures from X-Force. Period images, modern uniform plates, and even reenactor interpretations have slight variations in the uniforms from the Trafalgar era to the War and 1812. I consulted sources available on-line and even a Royal Marine reenactor group on Facebook.
I removed the knapsack straps and added musket slings. The Marines wouldn't need packs for a shore raid. While the Royal Marines were issued knapsacks, there are images of the Marines just wearing a rolled blanket on shore. Military artist Don Troiani shows the Marines without the hat cords for 1814 with the NCO wearing a blue sash with white stripe instead of the red and white sash.
I didn't want to remove the cords from the hats just in cast I use the figures in another setting. The missing musket slings on the stock figures are easily fixed with thin plastic. I should have added a gorget to the officer. That's an issue with all of the officer figures in X-Force's officer figures including coat tails that are too short.

The stock figures are "Kings" regiment with bastion lace. The Royal Marines wore rectangular lace in pairs. Its a small detail that I had to fudge with paint.

Hopefully these figures are "close enough" for Royal Marines during the War of 1812 on a coastal raid.


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