Eye candies (2 Viewers)


Oct 21, 2007
Here is my review of my 1st order of First legion figures. Comments will follow. Let's start with some pictures.




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Detailed review will follow tomorrow night. I will try to explain in depth why I do think that First Legion is at the top of the chart in terms of Napoleonic offering for the real 'connaisseur' (and this is coming from a die hard fan of K&C and Aeroart).

Terrific pictures, I say the same as Vezzolf! Just one thing, if I may: I believe the close up pictures blow the figures out of proportion, although on the other hand they do show the painting detail to the extreme. Facial features especially look a little distorted, getting the actual 54mm size is the ideal I guess. I don't know how to do it because I am a complete photo nerd:D but check these links if you'd like for some fantastic photos that I believe are close to what I mean:


Just a thought, please don't be offended Alex, I thank you very much for such revealing and clear pictures, I just find the detail gets a little overblown.
That said, thank you very much again and I am looking forward to your review.

even even more !


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let's not stop there !


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My first 'encounter' with First legion offering was while reading this forum in september 2008. From what I could see on first legion website and in pictures posted all over the forum, the quality was certainly there even though the retail price was a little bit over what the competition was offering at that time.

Being a WWII and Age of Napoleon die hard fan of K&C, I was a little bit skeptical in 'investing' in another brand. However, even though K&C was releasing more and more soldiers, nothing from this company was really attracting my eyes (and my wallet) anymore. The 30% increase in price for K&C Nap guys (plus the decrease of our canadian dollars against the US) put me in the situation where I did completely stopped collecting toy soldiers for the last year or so. I do agree that K&C sculpting and painting has evolved a little bit in the last years, but I was feeling that we were still getting the same guys with the same poses again and again.

Last week, after browsing in depth the firstlegion website and surfing in this section of the forum, I took a 'calculated' decision and placed my order with Matt for 24 Nap figures, trying to at the same time get as many french guys as I could while touching many regiments from different countries.

I must say that all people who posted on this forum with personal pictures of their FL collection helped me a lot in my choice. The french artillery set even though was one of FL early offering was a big yes yes in my book. Another collector told me also that stocks were pretty low (under 20) for this set and that it will be gone forever after. I'm now so glad I did ordered this set.

Aeroart as always represented in my book the best quality you could get in terms of matt toy soldiers.. but at a price which would prevent many of us from building a 'huge' collection. FL is now in my humble opinion the leader in terms of Nap offering. And yes they're blowing away anything K&C has done for the Nap collector. Let me explain why :

1) The man himself : Matt was able to answer personaly and in a timely maner all the emails I sent him. This represent the ultimate dream for the toy soldier collector : to be able to discuss directly with the owner and indirectly with the artists behind and to provide feedback for past and future releases. Nothing can beat that. Plus you won't lose your money in a dealer network and in obsolete paper catalogues/advertisements.

2) The quality : you can see how FL has evolved since 2008 in the last pictures I've posted. From the sunburned faces from the french artillery set to the faces of the french line infantry with a little bit too withish highlights to my taste to the PERFECTION in painting faces in the french chasseurs, french vieille guarde grenadier and the Wurttemberg officer WOW what an improvement in less than 3 years of evolution. Look how delicate these faces and hands look like, how every **** bony structure of the face is rendered, how every button is at its right place on the uniforms.. look how the guns are at the right scale, how the guys look like 19th century men and not 21th century men on steroids... look how those horses are elegant and look actually like cavalry horses and not horses use by peasants on their farms.. Look at those transition in the shadows.... WOW.. you would have to be blind to not see and admire the differences with what other makers are doing right now. Scupting and painting can't even be compared with what K&C is offering. One word for K&C : Cartoonish. One word to describe FL : realism to a point where your naked eye will even need some help after 40 years of age to be able to assess it :).

2) Bases. Yes some people don't like the fact that they're squared. I don't understand why. First, they look much more realistic with the tiny fake grass added plus they're much more stable and won't permit your guys to easily fell over and will permit you to build lines of infantry in seconds.

3) Price. Much much much much lower than Aeroart but with a quality that is pretty much the same in my book. I would buy 1 FL in a heartbeat instead of 2 K&C Nap guys anytime anywhere that's for sure. I do agree that some people would prefer to go to McDonalds for every meal in a day but I would certainly prefer to eat only once at a nice french restaurant. To each his own I guess.

4) Innovation. Look at the french artillery set again. Look at how the faces of each guy are not looking the same.. one look older, another one is younger, another one is beefier... they are not clones of each other.. Look at the english guy on his horse.. look at how he shows with his body what his rank is ! And FL was able to transmit that in a 54mm little toy soldier.. Look at the expressions in the faces.. Wow.. That's the only word that comes to my mouth.

5) Support a US company. Even though our beloved toy soldiers are made in China, you'll know that your money will help make a North American based company grow even bigger.

6) Customer service. FL back up their products fully. I had some damaged figures in my order including one broken plume, one anomaly in the paint of another and finally a bent gun with flaking paint. Those will get replaced without any problems even though I'm leaving in Canada, without me paying additional shipping, duties or taxes.

Some people will disagree with me and after reading again the post where Matt was expressing how he was feeling about his products, I've came to the conclusion where I do agree 100% with him. FL products are the best you can get. Period. Yes they will cost you much and you'll buy less, but in the end you'll be happier since you will have trully tiny pieces of art well worth your hard earned cash.

Have a good day,

Welcome to the realism that is First Legion , If you have been reading the First Legion threads you'll see that you have come to the same conclusion that your fellow First Legion fans have . I must say its exciting to see some new guys coming aboard and I know I'm not just speaking for myself when I wish you a very warm welcome. :)
Your comments are echoed by many former K & C collectors myself included . Your point about Aeroart is well taken and putting the price aside no mater how much money you have to spend they just don't make the variations in poses to make a large Battle display possible . I still love my Aeroart figures though and until First Legion covers Rome and the Crusades I will continue to by them .
The evolution of First Legion in such a short time is truly Amazing , From my first Bavarians to the Prussians which IMO are the best release in terms of sculpting and painting thus far released . You just can't go wrong , IMO the best Napoleonic figures on the market by far . I think as First Legion grow and expand into new lines more and more collectors will come to enjoy the quality that is First Legion ;)
Happy collecting Gebhard
I do think that FL sculpts are more anatomically correct than Aeroart's ones. I have studied anatomy both from a medical point of view and an artistic point of view (oil paiting) and these FL soldiers are simply the best.


I do think that FL sculpts are more anatomically correct than Aeroart's ones. I have studied anatomy both from a medical point of view and an artistic point of view (oil paiting) and these FL soldiers are simply the best.



WOW :eek: Your really fired up !! What enthusiasm , Its gonna be fun having you on board ;)

Thanks for posting your photographs of the Napoleonics.

If the size of the images were to be smaller, I would not be able to appreciate the figures.

Regards, Raymond.

let's not stop there !

I do prefer and very much enjoy this second set of photos, figures look much better this way IMHO... just one of those picky things... I am downloading them to my wish list folder:p:D.Thanks for posting them. I agree with you, photos on this forum are of great help. And I also agree with your review and the point you make: less but better;).
That said, I would love to see some comparison photos between Aeroart and FL. From looking at photos it looks like FL has been steadliy improving, to the point that little difference might remain between their latest figures and Aeroart or other connoisseur. I do have a small number of connoisseur figures but still no FL.
Now, should I go for the Stalingrad line or for the Nap French Chasseurs? Or for both?:D. But what if they do Crusaders or Romans:D? Maybe a new home and 2 new plus jobs will do the work:D:D:D.

Thank you for the comments Paulo.

I do like WWII done by FL but I do think that u can really appreciate their talent/innovation in their Nap/Samurai lines. I do collect WWII but I do much prefer the variety/color you can find in armies from the Nap era, medieval times and ancient times. I would like to see one day a Maximilien on a horse done by FL similar to what Aeroart can do. That would be awesome !

Have a good day,


PS : my picture taking skills are non existent as my english which is very bad since it's my third language ! But I'm trying to practice it everyday.
Thank you for the comments Paulo.

I do like WWII done by FL but I do think that u can really appreciate their talent/innovation in their Nap/Samurai lines. I do collect WWII but I do much prefer the variety/color you can find in armies from the Nap era, medieval times and ancient times. I would like to see one day a Maximilien on a horse done by FL similar to what Aeroart can do. That would be awesome !

Have a good day,


PS : my picture taking skills are non existent as my english which is very bad since it's my third language ! But I'm trying to practice it everyday.

Alex, you make a very good point, the Nap and Samurai lines must really be the most spectacular display of their talent because of the uniforms. I'll take that into account.
Oh, and your English looks flawless to me (although it's not my first language either:D) and your photos are not just excellent but also inspiring and clarifying to me . Choice is a different problem...:D


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