Fahrenheit 451 (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
I was really looking forward to HBO's version of 451 but this one is absolutely awful. Maybe the worst movie I've seen in a long while. A real disappointment. Terrible acting and (ironically) they butchered Bradbury's book. There were some potentially interesting modern themes to update the story that they could have used. But instead it's more like some type of video game/action movie. It's so bad that it gives validity to the bad guys who are burning books and films. This is one that should be incinerated for the common good.
I was really looking forward to HBO's version of 451 but this one is absolutely awful. Maybe the worst movie I've seen in a long while. A real disappointment. Terrible acting and (ironically) they butchered Bradbury's book. There were some potentially interesting modern themes to update the story that they could have used. But instead it's more like some type of video game/action movie. It's so bad that it gives validity to the bad guys who are burning books and films. This is one that should be incinerated for the common good.

Too bad, the original movie was a great one; especially, with Bernard Herrmann's wonderful soundtrack.

Truffaut's version was brilliant and is a true classic. Thanks for saving me the time of watching this. -- Al
I was really looking forward to HBO's version of 451 but this one is absolutely awful. Maybe the worst movie I've seen in a long while. A real disappointment. Terrible acting and (ironically) they butchered Bradbury's book. There were some potentially interesting modern themes to update the story that they could have used. But instead it's more like some type of video game/action movie. It's so bad that it gives validity to the bad guys who are burning books and films. This is one that should be incinerated for the common good.

I wish I would have seen your post a bit earlier ....

Ya' the HBO attempt at a classic fell off the cliff ... really bad.
I generally take all movies with a grain of salt ... but for this one I would need the Bonneville salt flats to say much good.
--- LaRRy
I'm now torn between F451 and Netflix's "Mohawk" as the worst movies of the year. Mohawk is absolutely dreadful. Like watching Last of the Mohicans as performed by some random people who have been provided costumes from the local thrift store. The older Indian woman looks though she wondered onto the set by mistake. It's so bad that I had to watch the entire thing to believe it. Amazingly there were some pretty good online reviews. Those must have been written by someone associated with this mess.
I'm now torn between F451 and Netflix's "Mohawk" as the worst movies of the year. Mohawk is absolutely dreadful. Like watching Last of the Mohicans as performed by some random people who have been provided costumes from the local thrift store. The older Indian woman looks though she wondered onto the set by mistake. It's so bad that I had to watch the entire thing to believe it. Amazingly there were some pretty good online reviews. Those must have been written by someone associated with this mess.
I dunno, sort of liked the punk-rock Mohawk girl in the mini-skirt and go-go boots. Also thought the John Goodman look-alike character was rather different. Two thumbs down, overall though. -- Al

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