Shannon Reuss said:
I like your idea Pierre, especially considering my personal hobby is genealogy. I will have to see what I can find in my files.
What great moments you then had known. Finally finding that information that what missing for years, the identification of that unknow person on a photo, etc, etc...
My greatest one was in 1996. After the death of one of my uncles, a setting came back in our family. It was done in 1916 and there is a picture of my grandfather (c. 1890), my great-grandfather (taken before 1892 as he died that year), my great-great-grandfather (I can't tell when it was taken) and my great-great-great-grandfather (photographed before 1890).
You can imagine, I'm sure, the emotion that was mine when I saw it as I was not even suspecting his existence:the pictures of three of my ancestors whose one was born in 1810 and another one in 1836.
As for the Bousquet, some of them emigrated to Minnesota as soon as the '50 during the XIX century. If some returned to Quebec and others went to Manitoba (passing in transit by the North Dakota), there is still some of them in your state, mainly in the area of St.Paul.
If you ever need my services for a reserch here in the archives of Quebec, never hesitate to contact me (or any other member of the forum), it will be my pleasure to help.