A couple of conversions, both from badly damaged Britains West Point Cadet figures. The color bearer is from the New England State Guards, the Coldstream-looking officer is from the New York Light Guard, both c. 1840. The uniform source is a plate by Fritz Kredel called “State Volunteer Corps 1840.” These plates were published in the early 1940s, distributed later around the US Army. You can still see them in the hallways of Army battalion headquarters, proof that some Sergeants Major don’t like to change the artwork very often!
I copied the pose of the NYLG officer exactly, but I don’t like figures sitting on walls so I made the NEG figure standing. I mispositioned his flag so that it covers his face, a problem I’ll fix sometime down the road. That’s why the bottom of the flagpole looks so sketchy!

I copied the pose of the NYLG officer exactly, but I don’t like figures sitting on walls so I made the NEG figure standing. I mispositioned his flag so that it covers his face, a problem I’ll fix sometime down the road. That’s why the bottom of the flagpole looks so sketchy!