Favorite COnte Range of Figures? (1 Viewer)

Louis A. Cortez

Mar 15, 2007
We have made our selection of KC figures. Now, let's see which range of figures is our favorite for the COnte brand. Perhaps the Pirates?, the Zulus, the Foreign Legion, WORLD War II, the Alamo, the Patriot, The vikings, or another range. Let me hear from you guys.....

My vote goes for the Alamo. I really like his Mexican Army figures. The painting may not be as good as KC, but the poses (in my opnion) are better and more realistic. I also like the Spartan Range and the Foreign Legion.

What is everybody else's favorites.
My favorite are the WW2 DDay figures, especially focusing on the plastic GIs. I think the whole range of DDay metals, plastic figures, buildings, and scenics are very good. One of the best, most coordinated ranges ever put out!

WWII, especially the SS and Brit Paras. The action poses are second to none IMO. Looking forward to getting my hands on the plastic Spartans though.

All of his plastic, none of his metal. Anyone want to buy my Conte WW2 metal? They are for sale.
My favorite Conte set is Rolling Thunder
I held off buying his WW2 metal for years, did not want to get sucked into another range of figures.
But a few years ago he anounced his new range of WW2 figures and they sounded very interesting. So I decided to get the first group before they would be hard to find. Got most of them from ebay at a decent price. Then out came the new sets.
I receved the first couple and compared them to the first issue, if it did not have Conte stamped on them you would have thought they were done by a different company. The painting was dark and in my opinion not very good at all and the figures were much larger, almost K&C size. So I got a few more sets with the same results. Finally I said I,m not throwing good money after bad and stopped buying them.
Unlike K&C, if you want to sell off Conte you will get only a fraction of what you paid for them, that should speak for itself.
Now with K&C issueing one outstanding set after another, month after month, I don,t have any extra cash to venture into other companies.
Live and learn.
Intresting points. I too have noticed a disparity in the painting of Conte figures. But, my biggest concern is the delay in delivery. They always seem to under produce or perhaps over promote a product and then delay in delivery of said product. I love their stuff but find it frustrating when I have to wait so long to complete sets.
I quite liked the most recent WWII stuff. Bloody Omaha and House clearing. They are not compatible with other figures and that may be a problem but I feel the sculptor was trying to capture the fear and harshness of war with his sculpts and the painting.I also liked the BOSS stuff as it is a complete display of Omaha. It is difficult to create the landings in miniature and Curahee Chris and I discussed this on a thread a while ago. I find the SOS to be a bit grotesque so I haven't got those. The Don Troiani sets are very good and I am surpised that they are not very much valued on e bay. Similarly the Rorkes Drift Keith Rocco is great. Conte has a problem with delivery and one has to wait for months to get the stuff. This leads to frustration. However the good thing is that it gives you time to save.
I agree. They produce great stuff but the delivery is where they suffer. It is reallyyyyyyyyyyyy frustrating.
I agree. They produce great stuff but the delivery is where they suffer. It is reallyyyyyyyyyyyy frustrating.

Louis unlike others who are located in China and who are able to quickly make choices and approve the figures or products it does create a major time lag and you must consider the extent of his product line and unlike Andy of K & C an others who are able to have immediate contact with his people it's something to take into consideration. If I'm not mistaken and hopefully I'll be corrected if I'm wrong WBritain has just a slight edge over Conte for they've been dealing with thier sources for a longer period time and I'm sure from time to time have gotten fustrated with the problems created at the factories in shipping their products on time. Let's be greatful that Conte along with others are spending thier time, money and effort in providing us with the their products and let us not cry about the delays that happen from time to time which they have no control over. Just my thoughts on the matter and just look at what's headed our way from all sources........The Lt.
If waiting means quality (and fast delivery a rush paintjob) I don't think many people mind the waiting.

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