Figarti products do tend to be on the fragile side, but that is the price you pay for the type of detail they have in their products. I have tons of Figarti stuff and I have had my share of broken parts etc.
I know the collector types dont want to be bothered with fixing stuff and I dont blame them. But if you are more of a modeler type, fixing some of the problems that come along here and there yields a most impressive and highly detailed military replica.
When I have a problem I go to work on it and repair it in a way where the problem is fixed forever.
Maybe they can do a better job with construction and packaging, but I will take them however I can get them, because for what I am looking for in a military repica they provide in leaps and bounds.
I cant deny it I love their stuff. I am speaking about AFV's and Aircraft. Their figures have had their ups and downs as we all know, but they do have their moments.
And now that I am seeing a compatibility with FL figures in some of their products, this provides a modelers heaven.