Figarti-Westcoaster-Figure Given (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Nov 18, 2005
Hey Everyone:

Here is a picture of the British Paratrooper given to all of those who attended their lunchoen at the Westcoater. It's a new paint job (thin line painting) process that will be applied to all of their figures starting after the new release (Pegasas Bridge) figures.

Keep me honest Rick or Steven, correct me if I'm wrong. I like them very much and it's the best of the three gift figures I've received from them over the last year.





What a wonderful figure. Should anyone have one they would be willing

to part with please send me a PM.

Can anyone put them next to a K/C soldier for a size comparison? Thanks, Michael
Can anyone put them next to a K/C soldier for a size comparison? Thanks, Michael

Figarti is 1/32 so they appear smaller next to a K&C 1/30 figure. Hopefully, Carlos can post some photos because his camera is much better than mine.:)

Thanks for the close up photos. How does the quality of this figure (which I like, a lot) compare with the other paras in terms of sculpting and paint?

...Keep me honest Rick or Steven, correct me if I'm wrong. I like them very much and it's the best of the three gift figures I've received from them over the last year ...
I agree with you Carlos!:D Figarti Miniatures new paint technique is the best yet. Lining up Figarti figures from the beginning to now, its interesting to see the vast improvement in just 3.5 years.:)

Thanks for the close up photos. How does the quality of this figure (which I like, a lot) compare with the other paras in terms of sculpting and paint?

Unfortunately, the British airborne figures now shown on the website and at the show have already been made and packaged and will not have the better paint technique displayed by the gift figure. However, all future figures will have the new paint technique. Figarti Miniatures asked collectors at the West Coaster which style they liked better, and everyone picked the new technique.:)
I think they work well together. But again I like both Figarti and K&C so I my opinion is a bit colored.
The head and the hands of the K&C figure look bigger, but the overall height appear to be very close.:)
Steven / Carlos,

Thanks for the info, photos and comparison. Looks close enough to me. :)

Not bad, not bad at all. I could hardly see the difference. Compared to the HB figures, Figarti's closer to KC in scale.

The head and the hands of the K&C figure look bigger, but the overall height appear to be very close.:)

Coming from a fellow with a "pumpkin head" and clod-hopper hands like me, size differential is just another face of mother nature :) I don't want all my figures to be exactly the same. Proportionate yes, identical no.
I just wanted to thank James Wang for attending the Symposium, and for the Westcoaster figure he presented me with during his visit. The Wangs have come a long way in only three and one-half years, and the new figure, with the new painting style, is the best Figarti figure I've seen so far.
I just wanted to thank James Wang for attending the Symposium, and for the Westcoaster figure he presented me with during his visit. The Wangs have come a long way in only three and one-half years, and the new figure, with the new painting style, is the best Figarti figure I've seen so far.

Thanks Louis for inviting my Dad to your symposium, I think you are doing a great thing for our hobby! I am glad you like the new paint style, all of our figures will be painted this way from now on.

Not bad, not bad at all. I could hardly see the difference. Compared to the HB figures, Figarti's closer to KC in scale.


Oh, I would disagree there. While Figarti is making progress in the figures, HBs figures are very lifelike and realistic and overall excellent.
Oh, I would disagree there. While Figarti is making progress in the figures, HBs figures are very lifelike and realistic and overall excellent.


I am referring to the side by side comparison(as shown) in relation to KC. I agree with you that HB has lifelike and realistic figures. KC are more "stocky" whereas the HB Barkman Panther crew are more on the slim/skinny side (the winter and Field Kitchen crew & food line are almost KC like in size). With that said, I can live with both.


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