Figure Repairs (1 Viewer)


24th foot

Looking for help on the best way to repair Britains hollowcast figures.I have a horse that the leg is broken off.Does anyone have answers,suggestions ,etc.All help is appreciated.
Thanks, John :
I repaired Britain horses. Pick up the correct leg or tail parts for horse being repaired from London Bridge who sells parts. If you have the broken leg parts the best way to repair it is lightly file each end of leg flat. Then using a small drill bit in hand pinvise drill and slowly make a hole in center of each part. Drill bits are hobby bits and break easily if you go to fast. Insert a small piece of hobby brass wire or pin and glue one end with super glue or epoxy. Let it dry -then fit other part on leg and see when leg toughes ground if feet are on ground and cut off excess pin with enough to fit in other leg part and glue that part to pin already dry. Or can glue both parts to pin at same time. Key is hole drilled and pin long enough to support leg. Leadmen A little putty can cover repair if needed.

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