Finding Joe: A Hero's Journey (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
Last week a friend recommended a film called Finding Joe. It's based on the teachings of one of our leading mythologists, Joseph Campbell, who wrote The Hero's Journey. We received the movie on Tuesday and watched it that night and found it very inspirational.

It basically shows that all myths, no matter what culture they originate from, are really all the same: you set out on a journey (the separation) and leave what is comfortable and confront challenges, fears, have to slay the dragon (real or imagined), battles and your return from the journey as a changed person. And sometimes it's the process that is slaying the dragon.

George Lucas got his inspiration for Star Wars -- Luke's search to find himself -- from Joseph Campbell's writings and the movie borrows scenes from the movie. He has to fight the dragon -- Darth Vader -- but in reality he's confronting an internal dragon.

An important part of The Hero's Journey is finding what Campbell called "finding your bliss," i.e. what moves you, what is your passion.

Here is the trailer.

This may not be your thing, which is ok, but some may find it inspirational. And if you don't, that's ok too.

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