yeah,come on let see some photos!!!!!!!
I am a new fan of the First Legion,i will start with S A M U R A I S !!!!!!!!!
I know that there is only three figures for now but i open a topic and they say that there will be very interesting new stuff comming soon so yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what did you all hear at this show?
And yes,let see photos!!!
Is there any interesting dioramas,display,...?
And finaly,did anyone know did First Legion have any collectors club we all can join in and do they have collectors figures, other companys?
F I R S T L E G I O N !!!!!
F I R ST L E G I O N, FIRST LEEEEEGION is in the house!!!!
Come all let me hear youuuuuuuuu!!!!!
"i am so excited and i can not hide it,..." any one remmember this song from flasdance!?!??