First Legion at Chicago (2 Viewers)


Mar 8, 2008
So what First Legion stuff have you Chicago fellows seen so far? Have you seen the Stugs, the tank riders, any new Russians, George frantically selling?:D Lets see some pictures as well?
yeah,come on let see some photos!!!!!!!
I am a new fan of the First Legion,i will start with S A M U R A I S !!!!!!!!!
I know that there is only three figures for now but i open a topic and they say that there will be very interesting new stuff comming soon so yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what did you all hear at this show?
And yes,let see photos!!!
Is there any interesting dioramas,display,...?
And finaly,did anyone know did First Legion have any collectors club we all can join in and do they have collectors figures, other companys?

F I R S T L E G I O N !!!!!

F I R ST L E G I O N, FIRST LEEEEEGION is in the house!!!!
Come all let me hear youuuuuuuuu!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
"i am so excited and i can not hide it,..." any one remmember this song from flasdance!?!??
Did the Stug make it in time for the Chicago show? I figured that the buzz on the Stug would be at a fever pitch by now but so far I haven't heard a word about it.
Semper Fi!
It did. George had four of each and I believe he didn't have too many left. The tank is made of resin and is therefore lighter than a metal/polystone tank. Ken Osen, who happened to come in when I was there said (I believe) that it was closer to a modeler's version than a toy soldier tank. My apologies if I misquoted or misconstrued what he said.
Ken Osen, who happened to come in when I was there said (I believe) that it was closer to a modeler's version than a toy soldier tank. My apologies if I misquoted or misconstrued what he said.

Well, I'll take that as a compliment then as that is exactly what we were trying to achieve. I might also say the same about Ken's damaged factory - it's much closer to a modeler's building than to anything "toy soldier." In fact, I was day dreaming about our Germans and Russians mixing it up inside while a Stug rolls by outside as soon as he put the images up...I want one.

Oh, and while I'm at it, how about that Figarti LCT? :eek: One must give credit where credit is due and that thing is just a feast for the eyes. I want one of those too, but unfortunately we don't make any western front figures to put inside of it and even if we produced nothing but allied tanks for the next year, I'm not sure we could fill it.....:eek: Very well done. Rick and his team must have had a really good time with that.

Finally, under the category of "you win some, you lose some", our Stalingrad Factory diorama for the show was heavily bombed by UPS piloted Stukas and sustained further battle damage and was not able to be displayed at the show. Half of it was - the half in our image gallery (red brick building) - but the factory interior of the concrete building that was our main display piece took some hits and is on it's way back to the soon to be frosty north to undergo repairs to return it to its normal heavily damaged state. Sigh. Perhaps George should have been sneaky and meandered into Ken's room to oogle his battle damaged factory and slyly pulled Stalingrad figures from his pockets and "accidentally" put them down on the factory while feining to get a closer look. ;)

I hope everyone had a great time at the show.


First Legion Ltd
..... Perhaps George should have been sneaky and meandered into Ken's room to oogle his battle damaged factory and slyly pulled Stalingrad figures from his pockets and "accidentally" put them down on the factory while feining to get a closer look. ;)
Perhaps that is hard to do when you have already sold them.;):D

I believe that Ken's comment was indeed a compliment and you really should attend next year. I think you would find it fun and also educational as I think the manufacturers get a lot of talking to the customers.

I believe that Ken's comment was indeed a compliment and you really should attend next year. I think you would find it fun and also educational as I think the manufacturers get a lot of talking to the customers.

Believe me, my not attending has very little to do with not wanting to attend. I just had some personal responsibilities preventing me this year. I really do hope to make it there next year.
Understood. I had to leave early myself for family responsibilities. I hope I get the chance to meet you in 2010 :)
Understood. I had to leave early myself for family responsibilities. I hope I get the chance to meet you in 2010 :)

Likewise Brad. Family comes first after all and given how much of my time First Legion takes up, I sometimes have to skip the fun things.
There is no more terrible weapon of mass desruction than UPS.We probably get 25% of the packages we send out back every day where I work.
There is no more terrible weapon of mass desruction than UPS.We probably get 25% of the packages we send out back every day where I work.

Well, think positively. With UPS at least it showed up. If it was sent via USPS they would simply have no record of it at all and it would disappear into the netherworld never to be seen or heard from again.
In all fairness, I think personal experiences may differ. For example, I have had uniformly great experiences with USPS deliveries to my tiny local post office, including many hand-offs from UK Royal Mail. My experiences with UPS have not been so good. Interestingly, all of the figures that I have received with damage have been delivered by UPS. Perhaps they just don't like me.
Well, think positively. With UPS at least it showed up. If it was sent via USPS they would simply have no record of it at all and it would disappear into the netherworld never to be seen or heard from again.

I've never had a problem with USPS.I guess it all depends on who we have a problem with.Some have had problems with neither and some with both.
Some of you fellows should consider FedEx. I quit using UPS years ago and have never looked back! My FedEx shippments arrive quicker with less damage and at lower cost.:)
I would use Fedex over UPS any time; its the sellers that dictate delivery options of course.
My company is using Fedex more and more which means of course that's what our customers want.

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