Janusz,this is a terrific diorama!Your backdrops and mats blend seamlessly and your photography is topnotch.I agree that the 5th Foot grenadiers are one of FL's best.The 5th Foot itself is a very interesting unit at this time.Its colonel was Major-General Lord Percy who led the relief column to Lexington and Concord from Boston.Colonelcies at this time were the gift of the sovereign,mainly to officers of general rank to give them a source of income.The Govt paid the colonel a sum of money out of which he was to pay the troops and provide them with food ,clothes and other equipment and to recoup his expenditure out of deductions from the soldiers' pay.Of course,if he could buy the uniforms etc cheaply he could also make a profit.Lord Percy was a wealthy man(his father was the largest landowner in England) and he spent his own money on the regiment as well as his Govt allowance.He was "hands-on" as well,banning flogging and instituting a system of financial rewards and penalties in its place.The result was that the 5th Foot was a very well turned out unit with high morale and of great interest to others in the British army.Thanks for posting,I really like 18th century displays.Well done that man.