first serious Crack- Christmas Scene (1 Viewer)


Oct 27, 2009
A couple of years ago I was presented the opportunity to inherit what was left of Dr George Betts (New Brunswick, Canada) estate-
included were and epic ampunt of castings of variable quality, a lot of Real Castings unpainted (hollow cast Britains etc....?) a few (very few) finished or presentable quality figures, AND A huge amount of metal, a pot and Moulds, Moulds, Moulds.
The moulds are for the most part hand made/home made a and not necessarily Awesome- I thik he may have been trying to start his own line of figures...?
Anyway- the moulds- there were some commercially available sets, of which I decided to use for Christmas.

I did this at work (firehall) late in the evenings, in the workshop. I had brought them home to do the priming, but then painted them up for gifts over two nights on duty. my step daughters geot "black Santas" which was fun (They are black...before someone goes crazy)- they got them as a going away gift from "elf the on the shelf".
I gave a set to my wife and mum for Christmas as well-

anyway here are some pics- Can't wait to pour some of the other moulds and see what is worth salvaging-
Casting's fun, isn't it? The Lee production pot must make things go smoothly. Looking forward to seeing what the rest of the moulds turn out. Could you give us a short bio of Dr Betts and his connection to toy soldiers?

Here you go I never met the man- But was probably a force in the hobby before the internet- Interestingly enough there are a few Gurkhas and such in the salvaged remains of what I got- probably related to his mil service. I never met his widow just spoe with her on the phone and secured a pick up and delivery of all the "stuff" literally a car load- (I got a soldier friend to pic it up on his way home through there on Christmas leave)-
here is the Obit

I visited an exhibition of Dr. Betts collection in Saint John , NB.about 15 years ago. It was entitled "Pomp and Circumstance" and focu
sed on royalty and things associated. I still have the pamphlet describing the exhibit.

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