First World War Trench Diorama "Stan Lee's War" (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 2, 2010
This diorama was entered into the competition at the 2014 Ontario Model Soldier Society annual show On Parade. It won a gold award and the best of show award. Here is the write-up that Scott Dummit, its creator, wrote in Toy Soldier & Model Figure magazine issue 195: “I wanted to do a diorama depicting the trench war as it would have been around 1916. Using Armies in Plastic Canadian Expeditionary Force figures, I created “Stan Lee’s War.” My Great Uncle Stan, who was still alive when I was a youngster, joined the CEF when he was underage. He didn’t talk much about the war except to tell a few humorous stories. Through the years I learned these tales were his way of coping with what he might have experienced. Using Styrofoam, stipple, and odds and ends, I was able to make a 4-foot trench coming under surprise attack from a German artillery barrage. Many of the figures were converted including a Lewis gun ammo loader and stretcher bearers. The diorama wasn’t as colourful as many of the other interesting presentations, but then again it wasn’t meant to be.”

I hope you enjoy it,

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