FIW. Assault (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Nov 20, 2015
Another instalment of my of my little tale !

With reports that the French were constructing a new Fort on the Ohio River the English along with their Indian allies mount an operation to destroy it.
Travelling by river as the only practicable way of approaching the Fort because of thick forests covering much of the way and being to slow to march though if they are to surprise the French.
Arriving a day late having been delayed by a fierce storm the day before,on reaching their objective the force lands and quickly forms up for the assault. The French find their Gun powder for their artillery having been left in the open is useless and so are forced to rely on their hastily made temporary defences of ditch and abattis.
The assaulting troops come under fire as they struggle through the abattis causing them to pause, further along the Indian allies make breakthrough where bitter hand to hand fighting takes place.

Figures Thomas Gunn, John Jenkins and W Britains.1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg


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