FL Scale with Figarti Huey (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
May 18, 2009
Just need to get the next NAM figures to fill out my squad


Huey, is in a 1/32nd scale isn't it, and the First legion is in a 1/30th scale. How does it match up with each other?, the size difference is not obvious??
Re: Delivery day!!!!

Maybe the Huey is an oversized 1:32+.....in other words between 1:32 and 1:30th...Has anyone verified the scale of the Huey????.....whatever the case they look balanced together.....FL figures are definitely 1:30th scale.....They do look good together.
Re: Delivery day!!!!

The FL figures and the Figarti Huey match up pretty well. I try to keep things within scale and not mix and match to much. Before I bought the Huey in Chicago I decided to place a couple FL figures next to the Huey. I know their not an exact match but it was close enough and I was happy with results. Needless to say the Huey made the trip home with me.
Re: Delivery day!!!!

Maybe the Huey is an oversized 1:32+.....in other words between 1:32 and 1:30th...Has anyone verified the scale of the Huey????.....whatever the case they look balanced together.....FL figures are definitely 1:30th scale.....They do look good together.

If FL figures are 1/30 scale and K&C, CS, and TG are also 1/30 scale why does FL look tiny compared to the other 3 brands. ? I find FL closer to 1/32 scale. ???
Re: Delivery day!!!!

If FL figures are 1/30 scale and K&C, CS, and TG are also 1/30 scale why does FL look tiny compared to the other 3 brands. ? I find FL closer to 1/32 scale. ???

Because K&C, CS and TG WWII figures are actually 1:28th scale even though they claim to be 1:30th....FL figures are true 1:30th scale..... just put an FL figure against a 1:35th scale Tamiya or Dragon figure or AFV ....you will see for yourself....Also that's why CS is making larger/PLUS SIZE:rolleyes2: 1:30th scale AFV's in order to match figures that are 1:28th and thus are out of scale with 1:30 scale AFV's.....First legion is the only company whose scale is consistent.
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Re: Delivery day!!!!

When it comes to FL's non WW II ranges I never see any compatibility issue with other companies; FL ACW go perfect with Britains and FL Viet Nam goes perfect with Figarti.

WW II seems like the Wild, Wild West, probably because that's where the big money is.
Re: Delivery day!!!!

Because K&C, CS and TG WWII figures are actually 1:28th scale even though they claim to be 1:30th....FL figures are true 1:30th scale..... just put an FL figure against a 1:35th scale Tamiya or Dragon figure or AFV ....you will see for yourself....Also that's why CS is making larger/PLUS SIZE:rolleyes2: 1:30th scale AFV's in order to match figures that are 1:28th and thus are out of scale with 1:30 scale AFV's.....First legion is the only company whose scale is consistent.

Definately some vast disparity amongst the industry. To me an inch is an inch, and a foot is a foot. Units of measure have gone to the wayside in this hobby. Again it comes back to each individual collector who makes the ultimate decision with their wallet.
Re: Delivery day!!!!

Definately some vast disparity amongst the industry. To me an inch is an inch, and a foot is a foot. Units of measure have gone to the wayside in this hobby. Again it comes back to each individual collector who makes the ultimate decision with their wallet.

I agree, sadly there is a vast disparity in this industry/hobby regarding scale....But it is changing and collectors are demanding more accuracy, detail and compatibility of scale at least within the manufacturers product line.... as you say an inch is an inch...I stand by post #247....Thems are the facts and the measurements:wink2:
Re: Delivery day!!!!

I agree, sadly there is a vast disparity in this industry/hobby regarding scale....But it is changing and collectors are demanding more accuracy, detail and compatibility of scale at least within the manufacturers product line.... as you say an inch is an inch...I stand by post #247....Thems are the facts and the measurements:wink2:

Agreed........And dont let anyone bully you to stand down on this important issue.......Keep at it and the Manufacturers will eventually repsond. Alex
If FL figures are 1/30 scale and K&C, CS, and TG are also 1/30 scale why does FL look tiny compared to the other 3 brands. ? I find FL closer to 1/32 scale. ???

Because K&C, CS and TG WWII figures are actually 1:28th scale even though they claim to be 1:30th....FL figures are true 1:30th scale..... just put an FL figure against a 1:35th scale Tamiya or Dragon figure or AFV ....you will see for yourself....Also that's why CS is making larger/PLUS SIZE:rolleyes2: 1:30th scale AFV's in order to match figures that are 1:28th and thus are out of scale with 1:30 scale AFV's.....First legion is the only company whose scale is consistent.

I will comment here. First of all, I have no preference or allegience to any one company as I collect from many manufacturers and like them all in their own way. I have seen this scale debate go on for a long time on this forum and even when I got into the hobby many years ago, I was disappointed when some of my early K&C tanks had crew that were obviously too large for the vehicle. I do still enjoy those sets and probably 80% of my collection is K&C, but being a scale model builder before a TS collector it was apparent to me without even measuring that I could tell just from eyeballing the set, the figures were too large. Any reference photos of soldiers/crew of WWII tanks will show this. I have done checks on many figures and in my opinion First Legion is 1/30 scale for figures using 5'10" for an average height. Also, I find that most K&C and CS figures are 1/28 scale. That being said, that's why I have recently acquired many CS tanks to go with my 1/28 scale K&C figures because they look great together. Also, my FL figures seem to go perfectly with some of my K&C tanks as I believe them to be both 1/30 scale. But I still mix and match different manufacturers together even if the scale does not match exactly. So, if anyone asks me what figures manufactured today are the closest to true 1/30 scale, then my answer would have to be First Legion. That's just how I see it and that's without any bias. See my thread posted earlier this year.http://www.treefrogtreasures.com/fo...-My-figure-scale-experiment-result&highlight=
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