Flag Dude/ Crown Military Miniatures (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
May 18, 2009
As everyone might know, I really like Standard Bearers. So when I saw that there is another place I can check out, I did and found that the Crown has the Flag Dudes creations( I came across a thread, years ago, mentioning something about them. It stuck in my mind. And forgot their name and could not find the thread about them again.) Then came the mention of the Crown Military Miniatures, and found them.
So I ordered the Regimental Flag for the 92nd Gordons, and I am very pleased.. Pleased enough where it will be tempting, on buying more Flags. Even though there may never be any figure releases that will make the flags useful.. Just having it adorn and be part of my napoleonic figures will do the trick..
Not to cut into Nick's business, but I think you can order directly from Flag Dude (Rick O'Brien), too:


Here are his prices:


Rick's based in Alabama, but I know he has come up to PA for Historicon/Cold Wars/Fall In, in Lancaster. That's where I met him and saw his products. Very nice, though I prefer to paint my flags myself.

Not to cut into Nick's business, but I think you can order directly from Flag Dude (Rick O'Brien), too:


Here are his prices:


Rick's based in Alabama, but I know he has come up to PA for Historicon/Cold Wars/Fall In, in Lancaster. That's where I met him and saw his products. Very nice, though I prefer to paint my flags myself.


I buy all my 20mm flags from him, his flags are top shelf, I've also had a number of flags done in 54mm for various customers, mostly wargaming customers who game in 54mm, but also toy soldier collectors who've replaced their heavy metal flags with Rick's...…………………….
..yeah, All my purchases this month has been top notch. Really been happy about everything. I am planning to get a little heavy with The Gordon's, so I am really excited. I can afford one big buy each month, and its almost the end of the month. So I am stoked!!

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