Fluorescent lighting and plastic (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
May 29, 2009
Anyone know how damaging uv radiation from fluorescent light is for plastic solders? does the plastic ballast cover block some of the rays?
I know that UV can cause fading in some pigments used in paints and plastics and inks. It seems to be a function of strength of the UV - the power of the light, distance from the source and length of exposure.

I don't know if UV changes many plastics.

Gary B.
How much ultraviolet light does a fluorescent light throw off? I wasn't aware that it does, and I would think that incandescents and halogen lights would throw off more. I'll have to look that up.

Fluorescent lights will fade furniture and carpet so they are probably not good for the paint on figures. LED lighting is the way to go.
A quick Google search using the keywords, "flourescent lights UV fade" returned a number of articles.

This one, from the Northeast Document Conservation Center, comes down on the side in favor of using incandescents or halogens, just by virtue of the fact that they emit much less UV light, because they convert their energy into visible light and heat:


This one, containing a post by a model railroader, comes down on the side of not worrying about it, because he noticed no effect after 25 years of fluorescent illumination of his display:


I think we'll probably find as much info to support one choice as for the other.

Personally, I am hoarding incandescent lamps, anyway, and I only have fluorescents in the legacy fixtures in my home (ie, they were there when I moved in), over my workbench in the basement and in my garage.

This seems to me to be of a piece with the discussion about lead rot and oak cabinets.


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