I'm off this weekend to see Fort Necessity, Jumonville Glen, Braddock's grave and maybe the site of the Monongahela battle. Looks like a perfect weekend for it in western PA with temps near 80.
I'm off this weekend to see Fort Necessity, Jumonville Glen, Braddock's grave and maybe the site of the Monongahela battle. Looks like a perfect weekend for it in western PA with temps near 80.
I'm off this weekend to see Fort Necessity, Jumonville Glen, Braddock's grave and maybe the site of the Monongahela battle. Looks like a perfect weekend for it in western PA with temps near 80.
Really enjoyed these photos and it sounds like you had ideal conditions. The creepiness of the place comes through a little bit even in the photographs. As I said, I love these sort of adventures. Always enjoy rambling around in some historically significant and relatively isolated place. Especially when there is nobody else around to clutter things up.
Thanks again for sharing the photos.