Forum Screen ZOOM .. (1 Viewer)

Larry Allen

2nd Lieutenant
Nov 5, 2007
My nephew was on my computer while I was in the TreeFrog Forum.
Somehow he zoomed the screen and I can't seem to figure out how to go back to normal size.

It is only on TreeFrog and ONLY in the Forum, not anywhere else. Anyone know what key strokes return back to normal font size.

That's a good one, Larry, I'll be curious to see what the resolution is.

I looked in Settings>My Settings>My Account>General Settings, as the first and likeliest place to find display settings unique to our individual forum accounts, but I didn't see any feature there to set zoom level.

Maybe look in your browser, too, to see whether it has a feature to set zoom level by domain or web page. Which browser do you use?


A PS...

A quick web search on "set zoom levels by domain" returned results that confirm to me that it can be done, but so far, I've only found pages for doing it in Chrome, and it involves using the developer's features accessed via the F12 key and editing a setting there. It's possible your nephew did that, but without more info, I wouldn't wager on it. We'll see what the Padre or the others might have to offer.
Okay, I found it ... it is the <CTRL> <-> key combo.

The <-> is the one between the ZERO and the EQUAL Sign.

No one touches my computer anymore ..:mad:

UPDATE: Also on Windows 10 Edge there is a Customize link on the TOP / RIGHT hand side. (Three dots in a vertical column)
Click on that and it gives you a ZOOM IN or ZOOM OUT options

YES it is a Windows 10 thing. I was using MS EDGE

Just push on Ctrl and roll the roller on the mouse, keep your finger on Ctrl ... slowly .... forth or back according to the size you wish .

Interesting....I never used the key control to change the zoom level, I've always gone to the Tools or Options menu, depending on the browser.

I just tried Ctrl-dash with IE 11 and changed the zoom level, closed that browser tab, opened a new one, and saw that the zoom setting persisted. But it wasn't specific to the web page I was on (this one, the forum). When I opened a new tab, IE 11 persisted the setting to my home page. Fegh. Microsoft always reminds me of a Jayne Cobb quote from "Firefly", "Shee-nao overengineered Alliance crap!"

I really, really like Window 10 and Edge, but I have a touchscreen monitor, so I just use my fingers to zoom.


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