Forum Search Problem (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Oct 7, 2010
When searching on the Forum any links to other posts on the Forum contained within the post cannot be reached; an error message is displayed. I believe the problem relates to the new Forum address; which is not correct in the old links in old posts.
When searching on the Forum any links to other posts on the Forum contained within the post cannot be reached; an error message is displayed. I believe the problem relates to the new Forum address; which is not correct in the old links in old posts.

Can you give us an example?
Example: I search the Forum for Conte Romans. I am reading an archived Forum article that comes up in the search and it contains a link to another Forum article. I click the link and an Error Message comes up; Not a Valid Address etc. The same problem occurs in a Google search that brings up a link to a Forum page; an Error Message that the site is invalid or unavailable.

Basicly the Forum is inacessable from a Forum or Google search as the addresss in the links are no longer valid. In one instance on a Google search an address redirect box came up; but the adddress link in the box was also invalid.

Can you give us an example?

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