French ammo caisson wagon (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 3, 2005
I was bored last night so I tried to build my own scratch built ammo caisson. I didn,t really have any reference material to go by as I was building it Other then I quick look at the Hat 1/72 set on the computor before I went downstairs to build and what I could remember from paintings I,ve seen, so it might not be very historicly accurate but I was bored and wanted to try one and didn,t have time to do more research. I also had to use whatever I had laying around down stairs for parts also.
I might try a more researched version in the future but for now I,ll have to hope a coat of paint will make this one passable?:p

I used small pieces of hobby wood and match sticks along with some parts from some Imex plastic cannons and the horse team from a Italeri set. Now to get some paint on this thing and see how it looks?



You made that all in one night? i have to standback, ponder, have a smoke, fit a few pcs and then repeat the process several times until its time to turn in then, the next day I set it aside and start in on something else. Great work Fish.
Wow Fish !!! What a great idea! Very cool!

Agree Fubar on the WOW it's another gem created at the Fish's Toy Shop. Great seeing it again Tim after seeing it's appearance on the HB Forum earlier.
"I didn,t really have any reference material to go by as I was building it Other then I quick look at the Hat 1/72 set on the computor"


I wouldn't throw rocks at it! Nice! It fits with the style of your other vehicle and figures.
I got curious!

This a more "folk art" type painting of the retreat from Moscow. Lots of color ideas from all the wagons including the artillery ones


Théodore Géricault...this one looks like an infantry caisson or a big soldier.


Hôtel des Invalides - système Gribeauval - caisson d'artillerie 1° Empire


I don't know if the color is right as the paint may have faded or it's been repainted since 200 years ago. Maybe this is what faded OD looks like.
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Scott there were many different styles of ammo caisons and they varied even more for country to country. They had larger ones and smaller ones, some had drivers some were driven by riders on the horses and some had a seat for a cover and a crew of 4 or 5 could ride on the cover.
I know mine isn,t that accurate historicly wise but it captures the feel of a couple of different style that were in use and I,ll bet that there were many different styles of ammo caissons that were hacked together back then that looked just as bad as mine???

Here are a couple more photos of it this time with paint! I think I might repaint a couple of the horses, I don,t like the way the color on the lighter horses came out.









Fabulous Tim I always love seeing what you come up with for your dios and this is no exception !!
Wow! This is what I call creativity and talent! Well done! :)
".....Scott there were many different styles of ammo caisons and they varied even more for country to country. They had larger ones and smaller ones, some had drivers some were driven by riders on the horses and some had a seat for a cover and a crew of 4 or 5 could ride on the cover.
I know mine isn,t that accurate historicly wise but it captures the feel of a couple of different style that were in use and I,ll bet that there were many different styles of ammo caissons that were hacked together back then that looked just as bad as mine???.."

Please don't think my comments are criticism. Your caisson looks good and works well with your troops.

I try to match troops and gear such as having all MARX stuff together which is sorta correct for 1960s toy figures. If you put a lot of detail using scaled plans, it wouldn't match the styles of the figures your using which ARE really good figures BTW.

I've kit bashed some wagons and carts from some horrible BMC wagons with cheap covered wagons from the Drug Store "shut-up toy" aisle to plug into my Armies In Plastic troops.


When I saw your post I just got curious because your wagon is REALLY close to what I've seen.
Really impressive effort for one evening Tim. What you have appears rather close to some of the pictures I have seen as well. I thought you might be interested in this scan of a French standard caisson from my Waterloo Companion.

Since it gives the length, you should be able to get a good idea of the other dimensions from scaling the drawing. It also describes them as painted in olive drab (of the time).

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