French Hussars and French Dragoons (1 Viewer)


Nov 25, 2007
Can anyone tell me what is the diference between French Hussars and French Dragoons?
Apart from the uniforms, which were worlds apart, the hussars functioned as light cavalry while the true role of the dragoons was as mounted infantry, although they frequently acted as heavy cavalry. The hussars were armed with carbines and sabres while the dragoons were armed with sabres, muskets and bayonets.
Like Trooper says, the uniforms are 'worlds apart'

This is the 5th Hussars

and 20th Dragoons

both plastic figures by ITALERI that I have painted.

Another is 7th Hussar Trumpeter & 4th Dragoon Officer Relaxing by Andrea

and King & Country, where the 2 cental figures are Dragoon with pipe & Hussar sitting on table

I hope this helps too :)

As has been said:
Hussars: light cavalry, armed with curved, lighter swords, pistols, and shorter carbines, who were scouts, quick strike troops, etc...

Dragoons: medium/heavy cavalry, depending on the situation, who sometimes acted as heavy cav. (grand charges, etc..) or as mounted infantry, they were armed with strait, heavy swords, pistols, and longer, but not as long as a musket, carbines.:D;):eek::)
Ok thank you all!
Well the reason i ask is because i was watching French movie from 2009 that hav etitle The last French King Lui XVI (or something like that) and both of this type of soldier were mention.
I will now open another tread because i have some other Question about the last French King so all of you are welcome to answer to me in this other tread!

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