futur set autrian (1 Viewer)

I didn't realise what was happening here. I hope a few more 1/32 options are offered to get involved with. Maybe it's worth HAT floating their 1/32 thoughts to see what will attract the most attention?
"Goal not reached within 30 days - cancelled."

Within 30 days? That seems awfully quick. How can you find out anything in such a short time? The word barely gets out. As someone else has suggested, why not ask the community what they would like to see? This would be the perfect forum for such a survey.
In HaTs defence, they did have this discussion on their 1/32 forum board for a while some time back. They were taking suggestions on what sets to make and how to make them. They had plenty of comments and a lively discussion among the participants.

Seems to me that they tried to make a set that would appeal to everyone and it turns out it appealed to almost no one. Or perhaps as mentioned below that the lack of advertizing and short reply window did not allow for a suficient feedback volume to get enough buyers.

One set with three different heads to choose from but not enough heads of the same type to outfit everyone the same. Why not make three different sets each with their own proper heads that don't need gluing?

HaT has a bit of obsessive compulsive disorder. They seem to think that everything has to fit on a single sprue and that 3 sprues have to all be the same and then fit in a box. Why not 3 different sprues, or no sprues? I like their MAC system but that mentality needs to be applied to our building an army plan. If I want line infantry figures and not genadiers I don't get enough of the proper heads so I have wasted money. I want to buy what I want to buy and only what I want to buy and as much of what I want to buy as I want. Wow, say that three times fast.

The cost of making figures with separate backpacks and heads put the price out of reach for me. At $1 a figure, for me to field a 1/3 ratio army for giant dioramas is cost prohibited. I would prefer toy soldiers over miniatures. I'll be sticking with BMC mexicans for my shako hat austrians for now.
Also as to HaT, My hobby is toy soldiers. I cannot even figure out how to sign in on their 1/32 blog site so I couldn't have even ordered any austrians if I had wanted to. I am not a computer genius, in fact I hate the computer for the reason i just listed and I am not interested in learning how to do all that stuff and then maintaining a rolodex full of user names and passwords. If they can set up a 1/72 blog with no need to log in through some URL, whatever that is^&confuse, then why can't they give us the same set up for 1/32.

It seems to me that they at HaT think the only people who buy toy soldiers are the dozen or so guys who sign in to their blog. HINT, if you make it they will sell.

If they want feed back then don't put the response sheet in the basement and turn out the lights and remove the stairs and fill the place with alligators.

Sorry about the rant. I needed to vent about this a little.
I am an Austrophile. and have been for 55 years! I didn't know this project was "on", as this is the only forum I read. Had I known about it I most probably would have taken part.

Totally agree with the comments about Hat's "fixations". If they are serious about "multi choice" options, why not sell boxes with just torsos attached to legs, in multiple poses, then a box of heads, then a box of arms? Most of us would be happy with figures which we can cut off the sprue and paint?

Several years ago, Hat bought out sets of 7YW Prussian Infantry, I'm still waiting for their worthy Austro-Hungarian opponents.[I suspect not in my lifetime?]

In HaTs defence, they did have this discussion on their 1/32 forum board for a while some time back. They were taking suggestions on what sets to make and how to make them. They had plenty of comments and a lively discussion among the participants.

I am not on their blog site--I think I knew at one time, years ago, that they had a blog (but never read it), but when the 1/32 line went awol, I quit going to their site altogether. I consider this site the one site for general toy soldier news and discussion. I do, however, go to certain sties for updates on the availability of certain products, e.g. Weston, Barzso, TSSD, AIP. But,as I said before, when HAT put 1/32 out of commission, I quite going there.

I would have bought the Austrians when they were produced, but have great reservations about paying before the product is made. Just seems like too many things can go wrong. I toyed with the idea of investing, but felt no sense of urgency.

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