Future FOB (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Jun 29, 2005
Here is to hoping that there will be future marching(non-fighting) British & French troops in FOB. I think this WWII series is one of the best out there and incredibly unique. I don't believe any other manufacture carries anything related to Operation Dynamo or Dunkirk.

Take Care
Here is to hoping that there will be future marching(non-fighting) British & French troops in FOB. I think this WWII series is one of the best out there and incredibly unique. I don't believe any other manufacture carries anything related to Operation Dynamo or Dunkirk.

Take Care

Yeah, I'd like to see this as well. Maybe a few tired looking guys, gear strewn around, hunkered down in the dunes for their first meal in days while a couple of them search the skies for uninvited dinner guests - or maybe a line of evacuated troops getting served some hot char from a mobile NAAFI back in Blighty.

Yep, some of the initial British releases in this series really seemed to perfectly sum up the whole Dunkirk experience, didn't they?? Stumbling along with cigarettes clutched in their mouths, tired, grimy, some missing helmets, but all determinedly hanging on to their Lee-Enfields and Brens. Some really nice figures there alright, be great to see more. This is one of the World War Two ranges I don't collect but I've always been strongly tempted by.


They are some of the best figures Andy has made in my opinion,quality and realism all through.

Glad to see that I'm not the only one who enjoys this K&C series. With so many different series and time periods I'm sure its difficult for K&C to decide which ones to provide new releases for. Hopefully the first series of FOB sold well so K&C will continue to produce more like them eventually.

Take Care
Yeah, I'd like to see this as well. Maybe a few tired looking guys, gear strewn around, hunkered down in the dunes for their first meal in days while a couple of them search the skies for uninvited dinner guests - or maybe a line of evacuated troops getting served some hot char from a mobile NAAFI back in Blighty.


Agreed, some weary troops sans gear would be most welcome. The closest dejected chap we have is FOB007 but even he still has his rifle, helmet and backpack.
I would to see FOB expand to something different like the Eastern Front or Trojan War.
FOB is my favorite K&C Line, hope Andy will expand a bit into the Polish Campaign and I'd still like to see a BEF Matilda!
FOB is my favorite K&C Line, hope Andy will expand a bit into the Polish Campaign and I'd still like to see a BEF Matilda!

I'd love to recreate Polish Lancers taking on a Panzer I, II or III. Whether it actually happened or not, it's another of those many, many, iconic images from WWII that have the ability to move you, such as photos and film footage of the Flag Raising on Mount Surabatchi, RAF pilots in the Battle of Britain, the surviving photos of Omaha Beach, the wrecks on Arnhem Bridge, 8th Army at El Alamein, the Red Flag flying over the Reichstag, 101st at Bastogne, the Poles taking Monte Cassino, Operation Uranus at Stalingrad, Chindits in Burma, Liberation of Paris, Kamikaze Attacks during Leyte Gulf, and so on.

FOB is my favorite K&C Line, hope Andy will expand a bit into the Polish Campaign and I'd still like to see a BEF Matilda!

Thats a very good idea,an ideal return for a superb K&C model.I also agree with Harry,the Polish Lancers attacking German tanks is an iconic image indeed.For some reason a Commando comic with this image sticks in my memory from childhood.

Like this classic diorama


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I know the Pacific themed items don't tend to sell as well as some other WWII lines, but FOB seems like a good way to possibly introduce some sets or figures outside of the major lines. Early war pacific theater items like USMC and Japanese troops on Wake Island, for example. Could also do similar figures for the Phillipines and Malaysia.

I Really enjoy the Pacific theater as well, unfortunately (and I've ranted about this in the past, but everyone seems to miss the point) Andy's style of production, introducing multiple sets on a particular theme doesn't lend itself to the theaters that don't have the overwhelming support such as the ETO.
However I've always thought there was room for single set releases in the Pacific and Eastern front. Those interested in these areas could focus enough on the individual release to allow it to be profitable. this Month's Rommel Horch, being the only item for that theater is sure to get special attention and will go fast. I'll bet the german T-34 is a moderate success as well. A unique single Pacific themed set could be a success as well.
Just my oft repeated opinion,
I know the Pacific themed items don't tend to sell as well as some other WWII lines, but FOB seems like a good way to possibly introduce some sets or figures outside of the major lines. Early war pacific theater items like USMC and Japanese troops on Wake Island, for example. Could also do similar figures for the Phillipines and Malaysia.

I Really enjoy the Pacific theater as well, unfortunately (and I've ranted about this in the past, but everyone seems to miss the point) Andy's style of production, introducing multiple sets on a particular theme doesn't lend itself to the theaters that don't have the overwhelming support such as the ETO.
However I've always thought there was room for single set releases in the Pacific and Eastern front. Those interested in these areas could focus enough on the individual release to allow it to be profitable. this Month's Rommel Horch, being the only item for that theater is sure to get special attention and will go fast. I'll bet the german T-34 is a moderate success as well. A unique single Pacific themed set could be a success as well.
Just my oft repeated opinion,
Ray & Dave,
I couldn't agree more with both your posts. I also think the FOB range could be expanded to include those conflicts that don't seem to have a massive following, unlike Market Garden, North Africa, D-Day, Bulge, etc, but would possibly generate increased interest.
I believed that K&C took a chance on FOB and Dunkirk, and while it's not huge, it does seem to have it's fans (me included). I know it's just a few of us who would initially be interested, but Early Pacific, Poland 1939, Cassino, Malta, Malaya/Hong Kong/Burma, more Eastern Front, would surely generate enough sales to justify at least some releases.

Hmmmm....Ray & Dave..? Wasn't that the brothers who formed that sublime 1960's band - THE KINKS..??

I know the Pacific themed items don't tend to sell as well as some other WWII lines, but FOB seems like a good way to possibly introduce some sets or figures outside of the major lines. Early war pacific theater items like USMC and Japanese troops on Wake Island, for example. Could also do similar figures for the Phillipines and Malaysia.

I Really enjoy the Pacific theater as well, unfortunately (and I've ranted about this in the past, but everyone seems to miss the point) Andy's style of production, introducing multiple sets on a particular theme doesn't lend itself to the theaters that don't have the overwhelming support such as the ETO.
However I've always thought there was room for single set releases in the Pacific and Eastern front. Those interested in these areas could focus enough on the individual release to allow it to be profitable. this Month's Rommel Horch, being the only item for that theater is sure to get special attention and will go fast. I'll bet the german T-34 is a moderate success as well. A unique single Pacific themed set could be a success as well.
Just my oft repeated opinion,
Ray & Dave,
I couldn't agree more with both your posts. I also think the FOB range could be expanded to include those conflicts that don't seem to have a massive following, unlike Market Garden, North Africa, D-Day, Bulge, etc, but would possibly generate increased interest.
I believed that K&C took a chance on FOB and Dunkirk, and while it's not huge, it does seem to have it's fans (me included). I know it's just a few of us who would initially be interested, but Early Pacific, Poland 1939, Cassino, Malta, Malaya/Hong Kong/Burma, more Eastern Front, would surely generate enough sales to justify at least some releases.

Hmmmm....Ray & Dave..? Wasn't that the brothers who formed that sublime 1960's band - THE KINKS..??


Everybody's a Dreamer and Everbody's a Star.....
And Everybody's in Show biz, it doesn't matter who you are.....;)
Hi Guys,

It’s always good to get favourable reaction to any series and I know Andy particularly likes it for the FoBFall of France’ and ‘Dunkirk’ releases as they are among his favourties.

Now, as for upcoming ones I do know there are some more British and a little French in the works for release later this year. Sorry I don’t have any actual release dates for this but they are definitely there!

Other great ideas have been suggested and we are looking into all of them (and some others) at this time but probably not for release until 2009.

K&C’s problem like every other company is trying to squeeze several pints of great historical ideas and suggestions into a relatively small pint pot!!! Alas some collectors don’t understand how production capacity as well as a balanced release schedule actually works in the real business environment.

K&C tries to balance short, medium and long-term release schedules with what the vast majority of collectors can, want and, importantly, will actually buy over various lengths of time. Believe me it ain’t easy!!!

However, it’s always a whole lotta fun!
Happy Collecting!
Hi Andrwe,
Good as always to hear from the manufacturers side. As a rule of thumb, I try to speak with an eye to practicality, though I often speak with my heart.
K&C has been widely successful with there present business model and I respect and appreciate the work and love you put into your product.
Question... could you address what I previously questioned about multiple releases in a less popular period versus the "onesy, twosy" sets from your business perspective?
Hi Guys,

In answer to Ray’s (NMROCKS) request for small releases to accompany less popular series here’s the problem... ‘Onesies and Twosies’ or even the occasional lone set still distracts away from and occupies valuable factory production capacity. These days first priority must always go to those products, ranges and series that have the most general appeal.

Also, K&C likes to gather groups of figures and or vehicles together to make a reasonably balanced offering for the collector. In the past K&C made the mistake of doing a little of this… a little of that… and a little of something else. Today we try (not always possible) to stay focused and keep our eye on the proverbial ball… and not get overly distracted by the multitude of ‘ wants… needs… and must-haves.’

Happy Collecting!

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