Generation War, German made film on Netflix DVD (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
May 29, 2009
I just had the pleasure of viewing this German made film circa 2013,2014 on Netflix. It is about five and a half hours long. Once I started I watched it in one sitting. In my opinion, very well acted, great story line, great production, authentic, simply amazing view! Yes for the left it humanizes Germans but we are all humans at heart. Very well presented story of how you get swept up in the German dream and also become enlightened on how wrong it all was. English subtitles but with my hearing and mumbling dialog I use subtitles on all my shows so no biggie. I did a search and did not find this mentioned previously sorry if it was. But what are y'alls opinion.
...It was called the German Band of Brothers but not quite the same or as good.

Yeah, I always thought that comparison was created by some ad wizard playing loose with his terms. It's really more akin to an older German miniseries, "Heimat". That one followed a couple of families and their neighbors in a small town in the Rheinland, from just before the First World War, up to the early 50s. PBS aired that here in the US back in the early or mid-80's, I think. A sequel was later produced, that brought the story up to the fall of the Wall, I think.

How odd that the main character is named Winter, while BoB was Winters. -- Al
Hello Again,

Saw this on television some time go. It was interesting to see characters displayed from the, "other side". As with many T.V. armies e.g. Sharpe you spot the small number of soldiers involved. I do not know though why it was retitled Generation War as its original name in German is, " Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter", --> Our Fathers, Our Mothers. Perhaps marketing ploy for the English speaking audience but it fails to establish the link of the original as commissioned by Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, as public service television company in Germany. The 3 episodes are called:- A Different Time, (Eine andere Zeit), A Different War, (Ein anderer Krieg), and A Different Country, (Ein anderes Land).

Blackbob (aka Douglas)
How odd that the main character is named Winter, while BoB was Winters. -- Al

And there, the comparison to "Band of Brothers" pretty much ends :D Well, that, and that it takes place in Europe during WWII.

And there, the comparison to "Band of Brothers" pretty much ends :D Well, that, and that it takes place in Europe during WWII.

I liked it. Thought it well done and a different POV. -- Al
I really enjoyed it. It was a little far fetched the way the characters ran into each other (were brothers still in the same unit at that time?) but this plot device was understandable to create a cohesive story.

I do believe the Poles really did not like it as they were not portrayed sympathetically.
I liked it. Thought it well done and a different POV. -- Al

Oh, my observation has nothing to do with the quality of the series. It's just not a "German 'Band of Brothers'".


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