German Colonial Askari Band - WW1 (1 Viewer)


Major General
Nov 24, 2010
Even though this thread is going to begin here and now - I must confess that it will be with a single figure (for now). I'll be catching a 'plane yet again shortly - and may be away from my brushes for a while. However, I wanted to show my first figure before I go - as Imust confess to being rather pleased with them.

I have noted before, that I have a great admiration for the Beau Geste range of figures - which I think are outstanding - amongst the Glossy TS ranges. One of Ana's figures, in particular, stood out for me - and I wanted to have one - just like it. In fact, this one:

As Ana doesn't do unpainted castings, however - which I prefer to buy and paint for myself - I was back to my oft repeated question......."How could I get one of those, for myself???"

The answer came - yet again - when I posed the question at the Dorset Soldier shop. After a good old rummage "under the stairs" - I came away with a somewhat used Wendal Zoo Range Zebra ( solid cast - of aluminium) - a general horse rider body, some arms - and a head wearing a helmet which looked vaguely the shape I wanted.

After a few bouts of cutting, shaping, filing and glueing, I finally arrived at a re-paint of the zebra - somewhat modified with the addition of a scratch built saddle, head harness and some reins - and then a paint job on the Officer who rides the beast - and will eventually lead off an Askari Military band and an armed escort.

Giles has modified an existing marching casting - to incorporate an Askari head - and I have the twenty-odd castings now - in my stash - ready to build into a band and escort - using Dorset bandsmen/ weapon carrying arms. I want a bigger band than the Beau Geste figures could provide - with some extra additional instruments that would have been around at the time (c.1914). I recon to begin these in time to give myself a Xmas present - but wanted to show my first completed figure first. ;)

So - here they are below Herman and Zack!:salute:: (guess who is who!). ^&grin . I'll be back with the rest - later on this year. see you later....... jb

I just had a thought......rather than tell you what the castings for the band look like - I can show you.

The pic below shows a few of the more tricky pieces that I always like to try out first, before getting really stuck into painting. these sometimes require at least part of the tunics to be painted FIRST - as the musical instruments get in the way of painting detail after they have been fitted. By the way, the white patches at the shoulder will be swallows nests - with red lining - eventually - for the bandsmen.

The Bombardon is one such instrument - so I usually try that out first. My band will have two of them - so here's a taster photo. Note that I won't paint the legs until last - as I usually hold the figure to paint by the stand/legs. jb


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