Get into the Crusades? (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Oct 17, 2012
I think I would like to start studying the Crusades, and eventually start collecting figures in this area. I would especially like to delve deeper into the historical aspects of the Templar, Teutonic and Hospitaler orders, but wanted to start more generally. I did some reading 20 or 30 years ago as a kid/teenager, but wanted to revisit it like I have with Rome, WWII Eastern Front/Normandy and the Napoleonic eras. Plus, it seems it might have direct application/relevance to many geo-political issues we face today in the Middle East.

Do members have recommendations on a good overview book or two? Then books on the military religious orders?

One thing that has been very helpful for me is mixing personal accounts/quality historical fiction with historical overviews. For example, over a period I read personal accounts such as "Panzer Commander," "Black Edelweiss," and "Forgotten Soldier" while also reading "Death of the Wehrmacht," "Hitler's Panzer Armies in the East" and Manstein's "Lost Victories."

For both Rome and the Napoleonic eras I read historical accounts while reading Scarrow's Eagle Series and Cornwell's Sharpe Series.

Your thoughts and recommendations are appreciated!


Aeroart has a book that gives an overview of all the Crusades. Good color action plates and photos of military miniatures make it a good reference and enjoyable read.
Check their website to see if it is still available.
Hard to beat Steven Runciman's classic 3 volume work, "A History of the Crusades". -- Al

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