Gettysburg Re-enactment (1 Viewer)


Master Sergeant
Oct 20, 2005
Talk about coming back from an event charged up! I have just returned form seeing 68 Confederate cannons and about 7,000 Confederates re-enact Picketts charge (about half of what was really in the charge).

The event was near the battlefield and provided a perfect view down into a slight valley of the entire spectacle. The Rebels advanced in line and in column at times, wheeling, advancing and spreading out much as it must have been done 145 years ago - to watch this many troops from this vantage point was awe inspiring.

Every five years the Gettysburg event is big, and I highly recommend going one way or another.

And, oh by the way, this charge was no more successful then the first one...
Talk about coming back from an event charged up! I have just returned form seeing 68 Confederate cannons and about 7,000 Confederates re-enact Picketts charge (about half of what was really in the charge).

The event was near the battlefield and provided a perfect view down into a slight valley of the entire spectacle. The Rebels advanced in line and in column at times, wheeling, advancing and spreading out much as it must have been done 145 years ago - to watch this many troops from this vantage point was awe inspiring.

Every five years the Gettysburg event is big, and I highly recommend going one way or another.

And, oh by the way, this charge was no more successful then the first one...

I heard thaat most of the rebels were older than dirt and three times as heavy!

Please, Please, tell me you have pictures! I can only imagine what that must have looked like! Thar has to be the premier re-enactment of all time. short of the ones they did for the movie!
Should have photos soon - technical difficulties - sorry guys.
That sounds like a fantastic reenactment. 68 cannon - WoW! Until we get to see photos of the Gettysburg show, I thought I would post some I took at the 140th anniversaries of Antietam and Bentonville. The Antietam Cornfield battle kicked off at 6:00 a.m. with a long cannonade with pyrotechnics over a newly planted cornfield. I arrived in town the night before, never having been there and had to find this farm in the dark well before 6:00 to set up my camera. When I arrived, I walked in the dark to the site surrounded by the sounds of drums from all the camps - quite evocative. At the Bentonville event, I had a 101 degree fever but decided to go anyway. I never regretted it!! I took lots of video too at the Antietam reenactment - and of course bought some toy soldiers from Larry Simons.

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