Glossy figure I.D. (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Dec 4, 2011
Received these four glossy figures from my good friend Bob (UKReb) who picked them up on his recent visit to Australia. They are a smallish 1:32 scale, similar to old Britains or WmHocker, they have a solid not hollow-cast feel to them and there's no markings on the bases ..... any ideas? Thanks

Apologies for the poor quality of the pics.:redface2:



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Hi Buster , they look a lot like British Bulldog. BB had a paper label on the base . The poses look similiar to BB, however most of mine have oval bases (mine are Lincolnshire Regiment and Naval Brigade in Sudan.)

It looks like there is a pink dot on the cheeks of some of your figures. That is a definite sign of BB.

Hope this helps

Best regards
Hi Buster , they look a lot like British Bulldog. BB had a paper label on the base . The poses look similiar to BB, however most of mine have oval bases (mine are Lincolnshire Regiment and Naval Brigade in Sudan.)

It looks like there is a pink dot on the cheeks of some of your figures. That is a definite sign of BB.

Hope this helps

Best regards

Do you think all of them might be British Bulldog? I ask, because they don't all look to be made by the same manufacturer, they don't all have the same style of sculpting. The rating, especially, marching with the rifle at the slope, looks to be different from the other three. He looks more fully round and has crisper detail than the other three. They look like they could come from the same manufacturer. The bases raise another question. Did Bulldog produce figures with oval and with rectangular bases?

Hi Buster , they look a lot like British Bulldog. BB had a paper label on the base . The poses look similiar to BB, however most of mine have oval bases (mine are Lincolnshire Regiment and Naval Brigade in Sudan.)

It looks like there is a pink dot on the cheeks of some of your figures. That is a definite sign of BB.

Hope this helps

Best regards

Do you think all of them might be British Bulldog? I ask, because they don't all look to be made by the same manufacturer, they don't all have the same style of sculpting. The rating, especially, marching with the rifle at the slope, looks to be different from the other three. He looks more fully round and has crisper detail than the other three. They look like they could come from the same manufacturer. The bases raise another question. Did Bulldog produce figures with oval and with rectangular bases?


Kirk and Brad, thanks for your input .....much appreciated. Brad, I think you're right about the naval rating fig. being a little more detailed than the other three, the figure in the whites is the "beefiest" of the four. Is it possible these figures might have been originally sold as castings?

Do you think all of them might be British Bulldog? I ask, because they don't all look to be made by the same manufacturer, they don't all have the same style of sculpting. The rating, especially, marching with the rifle at the slope, looks to be different from the other three. He looks more fully round and has crisper detail than the other three. They look like they could come from the same manufacturer. The bases raise another question. Did Bulldog produce figures with oval and with rectangular bases?


Brad a few of my BB figures are on rectangular bases .

Hi Guys,

Mike beat me to it. I believe he is on the money with his ID of the recasting or possible commissions from Dorset. They are very well done! I would be very happy if my friends brought figures like these to me! Very cool gift!

Three are recast / conversions, mostly using standard Britains components; the marching tar is a regular Britains figure, recast if not hollowcast. The sennet hat head is a Dorset Toy Soldiers original part. The 'on guard' figure uses the Britains Fort Henry Guard's head and backpack on one of their common poses. The highlander's head has me stumped, though, and I'm away from my reference books.... They are certainly skilfully made and beautifully painted. I've only seen picture of the British Bulldog range, and they did stick close to Britains designs. But I'd say these were made by very a skilled amateur, or even by Giles Brown of Dorset as commissions.

Mike, many thanks for your knowledgable and informative response ..... well done! :salute::

All the best

Got to my reference material! One picture shows Dorset's 'White Hunter" with the sennet head, Britains sets 80 Whitejacket running,
2148 Ft Henry Guard, stripped 'on guard' body (it was a 2nd grade painting without a head). The other shows 1253 US Whitejacket Marching (same sculpt as Buster's which has set 230's paint scheme), Highlander Firing body, piper with damaged glengarry head.

Nice job Mike, thank you for all the great info. :salute::


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