Go back in time and change one thing (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Feb 7, 2007
If you could go back in time and change one moment in History, what would it be? Think hard, the answer you have, would most likely change other events, or maybe not.
I think many of us would wish that Alois Hitler had not married Klara Pölzl in 1885 or that one of the fruits one of their union had not been Adolf Hitler. Failing that, one wishes he had been killed in World War One or the Beer Hall Putsch and failing that, that France and Great Britain would have called his bluff when Germany marched into the Rhineland in 1936.

Unfortunately, none of this happened and 72,000,000 (this includes the Pacific theater) paid with their lives.
I wish I would have bought all the early WS releases at the original price. :)
I think many of us would wish that Alois Hitler had not married Klara Pölzl in 1885 or that one of the fruits one of their union had not been Adolf Hitler. Failing that, one wishes he had been killed in World War One or the Beer Hall Putsch and failing that, that France and Great Britain would have called his bluff when Germany marched into the Rhineland in 1936.

Unfortunately, none of this happened and 72,000,000 (this includes the Pacific theater) paid with their lives.

I'll go with France and Great Britain calling Hitler's bluff in 1936 and taking down the Nazi's before they were ready to fight. If Hitler never lived or died, Himmler or one of the other Nazis would have taken his place, and maybe did a better job militarily (say holding off the invasion of Russia or remaining focused on RAF airfields and radar rather than switching to civilian targets).
This is one of those "if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its butt...." questions :p ;)

Anyway, I remember reading an article in Psychology Today perhaps 15 or 20 years ago (maybe longer) dealing with a very similar situation (a “what if” question). The article reported on a study, I don’t remember the specifics like whom did the study and the exact results; but, the study asked the question, “If (without guilt, any penalties like jail or any feelings of regret) there were a button that you could push and by pushing that button one person would disappear; would you push the button?” As I remember the article, the response was overwhelming. Nearly everyone would push the button. I personally would not have a problem with pushing the button (no guilt, no penalties like jail and no feelings of regret) and having one person disappear, but what if I do have a problem with is the other end. What if I was on the receiving end of that button push? It gives me pause to consider how others view me and how can I keep them from wanting to push that darn button.:eek: :cool:
This is one of those "if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its butt...." questions :p ;)

Anyway, I remember reading an article in Psychology Today perhaps 15 or 20 years ago (maybe longer) dealing with a very similar situation (a “what if” question). The article reported on a study, I don’t remember the specifics like whom did the study and the exact results; but, the study asked the question, “If (without guilt, any penalties like jail or any feelings of regret) there were a button that you could push and by pushing that button one person would disappear; would you push the button?” As I remember the article, the response was overwhelming. Nearly everyone would push the button. I personally would not have a problem with pushing the button (no guilt, no penalties like jail and no feelings of regret) and having one person disappear, but what if I do have a problem with is the other end. What if I was on the receiving end of that button push? It gives me pause to consider how others view me and how can I keep them from wanting to push that darn button.:eek: :cool:

Now, if when they pushed the button to make you disappear they also received your entire toy soldier collection, then what....
Hi Guys,

Do enjoy fun questions like this. I think it would be great to go back and save the Library of Alexandria from the fire that consumed it.

All the best

I guess push the button on Gavrilo Princip ,thus maybe preventing ww1
and thus no ww 2
Gentle Friends,

Instead of determining a historic figure that should be prevented from existing, I would consider what I could preserve that did, at one time, exist. There are many things from which to choose, but one thing I would definitely consider is the preservation of the great empires that existed in the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans. It would have been great to preserve the knowledge, language, technology, writings, and history of the Aztecs, Mayan, and Inca civilizations as well as the other great nations that occupied the Americas.

Warmest personal regards,

Gentle Friends,

Instead of determining a historic figure that should be prevented from existing, I would consider what I could preserve that did, at one time, exist. There are many things from which to choose, but one thing I would definitely consider is the preservation of the great empires that existed in the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans. It would have been great to preserve the knowledge, language, technology, writings, and history of the Aztecs, Mayan, and Inca civilizations as well as the other great nations that occupied the Americas.

Warmest personal regards,


Be still, my warm beating heart being pulled from my body........for sacrifice..Pat ,what makes you think they did not eat intellectuals :D Michael
Oh come on guys, you don't seriously think that if you changed one person's action or made some event not happen that the resulting change would mean that human beings would not have waged war in one form or another.:(

Many cosmologist theorize that with the new “string theory” that all energy at its smallest scale yet theorized is made of strings that resonate at different frequencies. To make the math work with this theory they propose 11 different dimensions. We live in a four-dimension world (height, length, depth, and time). Another portion of this theory is that unlimited multidimensional-universes exist simultaneously. In one universe Hitler did not exist, in another he was a humanitarian, and in another (ours) he waged war and on and on.

My point is that regardless of the events, humans wage war. Perhaps it may have been more humane but more than likely it would be even bloodier and violent. We humans have a great ability to learn more and better ways of killing each other. Efficiency comes with experience. We are very efficient at killing. Now where’s that GD BUTTON, I have somebody in mind……:cool:
I'm not sure I buy the theories about parallel universes although it does make for an interesting concept and/or movie: Hitler the humanitarian in a different universe.

However, it's clear to me that one thing happening or not happening would bring about other unknown consequences.
This is a perplexing question, changing history in any shape or form, would drastically change our excisting lives. I knew Hitler would be the main focus, but as Louis stated, maybe a smarter military man might have bumpt into that role. Maybe even more people would have died during WWII. Maybe none of us would be hear talking on this fourm. Our Great Grand mothers and Grand Fathers, might never had met. I love that term, " if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump it's butt" I will remember that. Pat was on some kinder track of taking care of artifacts. Alot of lost info, could help us today. I thought of this one, but it to would be to dramatic and major change to the world. The invention of gun powder, as we know it changed the course of war. Those who had it mastered it, and ruled by it. It brought gun making, and gave confidence to early settlers of this country to hunt and provide protection. But if the developement of it had been prolong for lets say 50 years, that would change history dramatically as we know it. So if you could change one thing, the reprocussions, would be dramatic.Maybe things all do happen for a reason, who knows. Mike:)
Two things I can think of

1- I'd take my grandfather out for a beer or beers.

2- Go back to December 31, 1992 and re-up onto active duty- well, still go to college of course but reconsider my career options.

Bottom line- guess I'd just change history to make my life better- heck with the rest of you chuckleheads :D :D

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