God forbid! (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
God forbid that something would happen to me or you the K&C collector.
The question is, do you have a plan in case of your demise. That your collection could be disposed of in a manner that your family would not be cheated and, as in my case, how would your family be able to properly identify your collection.
If I have one complaint with K&C is that the set numbers are not stamped or marked in some way on the figures, vehicles, etc.
I personally mark each with a small stick on tab on the bottom of each base, but to a unknowing non collector that would still be a problem.
What I,m trying to do is print out from Sagers site the list of sets I have, this at least shows the retail price, however as we all know, the older retired sets go for much more, here in lies the problem.
Also 90% of my collection is displayed, meaning the boxes are here, there and everywhere. I would not have a problem, well maybe, but to match everything up would be almost impossible.
I bring this up as my wife mentioned this to me the other day.
So if you guys don,t here from me, please advise the police of my wifes recent statement, kidding!
Hopefully Louis,s book could help with this.
I have some serious money invested here and thought I would like to here from others regarding this.
God forbid that something would happen to me or you the K&C collector.
The question is, do you have a plan in case of your demise. That your collection could be disposed of in a manner that your family would not be cheated and, as in my case, how would your family be able to properly identify your collection.
If I have one complaint with K&C is that the set numbers are not stamped or marked in some way on the figures, vehicles, etc.
I personally mark each with a small stick on tab on the bottom of each base, but to a unknowing non collector that would still be a problem.
What I,m trying to do is print out from Sagers site the list of sets I have, this at least shows the retail price, however as we all know, the older retired sets go for much more, here in lies the problem.
Also 90% of my collection is displayed, meaning the boxes are here, there and everywhere. I would not have a problem, well maybe, but to match everything up would be almost impossible.
I bring this up as my wife mentioned this to me the other day.
So if you guys don,t here from me, please advise the police of my wifes recent statement, kidding!
Hopefully Louis,s book could help with this.
I have some serious money invested here and thought I would like to here from others regarding this.

I feel your pain Gary and totally agree.

:) Take Pictures of ALL of your Toy Colletions, and Contact Loyds-of-London Insurance Company, and they will Totally Cover your Toy Collection's, with GREAT INsurance Coverage! CIAO!
has somebody's missus come upon illicit receipts , not for jewellery for another woman but much worse undeclared K&C purchases:D:D:D:D

OMG, I for one certainly hope she never finds any that I've left in pockets, wallet, or anywhere else. Don't fancy being turned into a Frog (in-joke). :D:D:eek::eek::rolleyes:
Hopefully, as the book will provide a complete list of every set ever produced, with descriptions, photographs, dates of production, production numbers and original retail price, the identification problem should be solved. As far as the current value of the sets, I would suggest purchasing an up to date list of current E-bay prices from Brad (Jazzeum) who has been keeping track of K&C auction prices for the last couple of years. As far as actually selling off a collection with a hope of getting close to value, I would sell it off on e-bay, only 2-3 sets at a time, so as not to saturate the market, or, if you have some trustworthy collector friends who would pay your widow or other distributees fair value, leave instructions for your heirs to contact your friends (in my case, if anything happened to me, I would have my wife call Hans Hedrich, Larry Lo and Brad, as I know these guys would do the right thing and either buy or arrange for the sale of my collection). I hope I live long enough that my children are adults, who appreciate my collection, and chose to keep it intact.
You mean we can't take K&C with us when we go:eek::eek::eek:

I fully intend to take everything with me when I go. Burn me like the Viking Kings of old and let them (my collection) accompany me to Valhalla. ;) And, if UPS and the USPS have their acts together, I can still get the new releases after I am gone.

I fully intend to take everything with me when I go. Burn me like the Viking Kings of old and let them (my collection) accompany me to Valhalla. ;) And, if UPS and the USPS have their acts together, I can still get the new releases after I am gone.

Let me know when that happens....I will be there with a fire extinquisher, and a priest to exorcise your spirit. Can't have you haunting your, I mean my new collection........:D..Michael

I fully intend to take everything with me when I go. Burn me like the Viking Kings of old and let them (my collection) accompany me to Valhalla. ;) And, if UPS and the USPS have their acts together, I can still get the new releases after I am gone.

I plan to go out like that as well:D. But GK maybe you could take a picture of each set then write down the name, a description, and the product number, then store them all in a file cabinet maybe by range.
OK here's what I really do, before the big burn anyway.

I keep a computer record of my collection using MS Word;
I have a folder entitled "Collection".
Within the "Collection" folder I have sub-folders for each time period I collect.
Within the time period subfolder I have another subfolder for the manufacturer.
I then have files (the real "meat" is the files) for each range within that particular manufacturer's subfolder.

Examples (Folder>Folder>Folder>Folder>file):
Collection>WWII>King & Country>German>Afrika Korps
Collection>French & Indian Wars>John Jenkins>The Battle of Snow Shoes
and so on.

In each file I size of the page (1 inch margins on the sides and half-inch at the top and bottom) and I add columns (usually 2).

Then within each file I copy a photo from the dealer I am buying the vehicle or figure from; or, I copy a photograph from another source (Bill Sager' site is good for K&C) of quality pictures.

I size the photo to fit the page formatting (usually 2 inches by 3 inches). I usually get eight pictures (2 columns of four pictures) per page.

Using a 10-point font, under each picture I type in three lines that contain the model or stock number, the retail price and the price I paid, the quantity of each, the manufacturers full name for the vehicle or figure, and if retired I note each with a RETIRED note.

I update the appropriate individual file(s) every time I add to my collection. I have printed my files and keep them in an organized 4-inch wide three-ring binder with index separators. I have even copied diorama pictures and use them for the cover, chapter headers and page dividers.

It’s an easy, cheap and efficient method of record keeping. I have taught my grown children how to use it.

Some members use a similar method only using Excel or some even use more complicated data base software programs.

It takes patience and it does need updating as you add or take away from you collection, but why not use the technology for what it is intended and it does help me to keep track of everything so I don't double purchase un-intentionally or to cull the collection without sorting stuff. You can even keep track of where the vehicle or figure is if your collection is spread out in display cabinets, closets, or wherever.
The Book is good, but once published there will be hundreds of new sets produced. Since rws591 was looking for a possible money making project how about a quarterly subscription Acrobat format CD service containing all release photos, flyers .....

One idea would be to start where the book stopped.
The Book is good, but once published there will be hundreds of new sets produced. Since rws591 was looking for a possible money making project how about a quarterly subscription Acrobat format CD service containing all release photos, flyers .....

One idea would be to start where the book stopped.

though thats a good idea i have(im surprised you remember that) already found a money making project, Stocks!
I have my collection hand written in a book listing everything i have,including price,date purchased,any SL number etc.I also have a photo of every item with description on back of photo.This is all for my wife should i suddenly 'Terminate'!.I have told her to sell the whole collection back to the good folk at K&C UK or sell it on ebay.Hopefully she will make a few bob on it all.:)

I am not sure some of you guys want to keep that acturate of records..... I mean when you collection gets too big and there are lots of $$$$$ associated with it - well, lets just say - get a food tester !! :D

Right Harry ? :p
I have my collection hand written in a book listing everything i have,including price,date purchased,any SL number etc.I also have a photo of every item with description on back of photo.This is all for my wife should i suddenly 'Terminate'!.I have told her to sell the whole collection back to the good folk at K&C UK or sell it on ebay.Hopefully she will make a few bob on it all.:)


Be careful Rob, if you come home from the next show with too many packages, you'll be untimely terminated and the wife will use the proceeds to see the world.:D:D
Be careful Rob, if you come home from the next show with too many packages, you'll be untimely terminated and the wife will use the proceeds to see the world.:D:D

:D:DThat threat always hangs over me mate!

I am not sure some of you guys want to keep that acturate of records..... I mean when you collection gets too big and there are lots of $$$$$ associated with it - well, lets just say - get a food tester !! :D

Right Harry ? :p

:confused: Get a food tester....???? :confused:
I know I'm daft, but that one's just too abstract, even for me...!!!
Explain please.

:confused: Get a food tester....???? :confused:
I know I'm daft, but that one's just too abstract, even for me...!!!
Explain please.


I think he means food tester as the Kings and Queens of old had,to prevent poisoning by an enraged partner!!!;)


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