Google-redirect to my file (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Feb 2, 2013
Something kind of interesting is going on with google searches for "treefrog treasures forum."

The search generates a list, at the top of which are links to what appears to be the TF-forums.

However, clicking on one of that top group of links takes you here:

Nowhere in the links or in their descriptions is reference made to the website to which the user is redirected.

I've seen this result occur across platforms, operating systems and browsers.

Clearly, something is amiss, here.

TF might want to check this out with its "IT Guy.":wink2:

Just thought I would give the above a try and sure enough redirects to that link in the previous post. If you just search for treefrog treasure though it doesn't do this.
It's definitely an issue using Google. I just duplicated it now.

I don't normally use Google as my search engine. I use DuckDuckGo,, because they don't track your activity. When I search on "treefrog treasures forum" using DuckDuckGo, and I click the first link returned in the search, it brings me here correctly.

Something kind of interesting is going on with google searches for "treefrog treasures forum."

The search generates a list, at the top of which are links to what appears to be the TF-forums.

However, clicking on one of that top group of links takes you here:

Nowhere in the links or in their descriptions is reference made to the website to which the user is redirected.

I've seen this result occur across platforms, operating systems and browsers.

Clearly, something is amiss, here.

TF might want to check this out with its "IT Guy.":wink2:


This has also been happening to me for the last week or so. I always immediately delete it - and then type in the same again "Treefrog Forum" and up comes the Forum page - second time with no problem. jb ^&confuse
Something kind of interesting is going on with google searches for "treefrog treasures forum."

The search generates a list, at the top of which are links to what appears to be the TF-forums.

However, clicking on one of that top group of links takes you here:

Nowhere in the links or in their descriptions is reference made to the website to which the user is redirected.

I've seen this result occur across platforms, operating systems and browsers.

Clearly, something is amiss, here.

TF might want to check this out with its "IT Guy.":wink2:


Yep....This is the site that has been blocking me for the last few days......I have now found another way to access the forum but it is annoying to say the least that these sites are able to infiltrate bonafide sites, and who knows what they can do with your computer..!!!.

Yep....This is the site that has been blocking me for the last few days......I have now found another way to access the forum but it is annoying to say the least that these sites are able to infiltrate bonafide sites, and who knows what they can do with your computer..!!!.


I was only able to duplicate this, when I searched using Google. It did not happen to me, when I used other search engines. Have you tried using a different search engine?

Also, don't you guys all bookmark the forum? I always access the forum from a stored bookmark (or whatever your browsers may call them), and this doesn't happen for me, using my bookmark, with the forum's URL. It only happened when using Google to search for the forum, and then I click that specific link. I'm not sure that the Padre and his IT support will be able to anything, because the probably really seems to be on Google's side.

I have it saved in my bookmarks bar so not a problem,

Just go to treefrog treasures direct then click on the forum from there or when you start typing in the address bar the correct website should come up as you start to type.
I only get the redirect when you use Google to search for the forum. My bookmarked link works fine. Also, no problem when you type the URL into the address bar on my chrome browser. Not sure why anyone would be searching for the forum in a search engine every time you wanted to access it. Why not just save it in whatever bookmark system you use.
Well, the plot thickens. On a google image search for "John Jenkins Nieuport, " I came across this image that's apparently hosted here at TF:


I click on the link, and off I go to!

I went back to the image and clicked on the link again and it takes me to a thread here at TF:

You other gentlemen can likely reproduce the redirect the same way, using the same prompt at Google images.

Very strange, indeed.

I only get the redirect when you use Google to search for the forum. My bookmarked link works fine. Also, no problem when you type the URL into the address bar on my chrome browser. Not sure why anyone would be searching for the forum in a search engine every time you wanted to access it. Why not just save it in whatever bookmark system you use.

What you and others need to remember - is that not all of us ( and especially us over 70 year olds), have ever had a computer lesson in our lives. We have generally "picked it up", as we have gone along, mostly by trial and error - and sharing "how it all works" between us.

I generally "stick with what works" - and as I (eventually), got to the Treefrog Forum by way of Google - that's how I access it.

I have taken the advice given - and now get to Treefrog via the main site - and then click onto the Forum from there - as I have no idea of how to Bookmark - or where to find that.

Hope that explains why - and still learning.....:D........jb

To bookmark something means to add it to your favorites. Basically, the computer remembers your prior visit when you next click on the bookmark.

What sort of operating system are you running?


To bookmark something means to add it to your favorites. Basically, the computer remembers your prior visit when you next click on the bookmark.

What sort of operating system are you running?


And browser, too. Each browser-Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc-has a feature to save links to sites you visit frequently, but they may call them different things.
And with John's post about the results he got in Google, with his search and following that link, it really does sound like it is an issue on Google's side, not the forum's side. I'm curious to hear whatever TF's IT support person finds.

And browser, too. Each browser-Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc-has a feature to save links to sites you visit frequently, but they may call them different things.

Browser is what I meant.

I'm using IE 11. If I want to add a site to favorites, I right click on the site and I can choose "Add to Fabirites." I can also click on Favorites at the top left of the screen and add it to Favorites or the Favorites Bar, which is the horizontal bar at the top of the browser.

And with John's post about the results he got in Google, with his search and following that link, it really does sound like it is an issue on Google's side, not the forum's side. I'm curious to hear whatever TF's IT support person finds.


My hunch is that something needs to be patched, either on the TF host-server or perhaps the v-bulletin software itself. We'll see.


To bookmark something means to add it to your favorites. Basically, the computer remembers your prior visit when you next click on the bookmark.

What sort of operating system are you running?


Hi Brad, I have a Toshiba laptop - and it runs Windows 7. I use Google Chrome to get into most things that interest me - and that's about the depth of my knowledge about it. I can make it work fine - but it's a bit like those people who run a car - but have no idea what "makes it go". I don't need to know - so, at my age - I have very little intention of finding out!

I have got it to work again, as described earlier - without this annoying little piece of garbage interfering - so that's fine by me. But - thanks for asking :salute::jb:D
...I use Google Chrome to get into most things that interest me - and that's about the depth of my knowledge about it...

Hi, John, Other Brad here. Chrome is one of the browsers I use, too, and maybe this little tutorial can help you with bookmarking your favorite websites. My apologies if these are things you already know.

First, open up Chrome, and navigate to the forum or whatever page you want to, the way you normally do. Once you're on the page you want to be on, look to the upper-right corner of the window frame, for an icon showing three dots in a vertical column (red arrow below). Click that icon to open the menu shown in this screenshot:

In this menu, we see an option to bookmark the page we're on, "Bookmarks." If we click that, we get this menu:

In this menu, notice we have the option, "Bookmark this page". Notice, too, the option that I have checkmarked, "Show bookmarks bar". That will be important later.

If we click "Bookmark this page" (which I've boxed in red to highlight it in this screenshot), Chrome creates a bookmark for us, and opens a little dialog box, where we can edit the name of the bookmark, if we want, and we and specify where we want Chrome to store the bookmark and show it to us:

In my example, the title is the name of the page (that one is an airplane modelers' website), and I have told Chrome that I want this bookmark to be visible in the bookmarks bar. Here is an example of the bookmarks bar, from my own Chrome session:

The band across the top of the page, showing, "Apps", "Managed bookmarks", "Bookmarks", "Login", "Corp Apps", etc, is my bookmarks bar. Remember from the earlier step that I have the menu option checked, to show the bookmarks bar. This is my own preference, but I find it easy to keep my bookmarks within easy reach. In my case, I've also organized my bookmarks into folders, because I have so many of them. In this screenshot, I have clicked on the folder, "Toy Soldiers & Scale Modeling", and you can see the various websites I have bookmarked in Chrome. If I click on any of those bookmarks, Chrome will take me to that website.

I hope that helps you organize the websites you like to visit often and makes it easier for you to do. If there is a question on any part of this, please just ask.


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