Great New Wilson Edward Items!!!! (1 Viewer)


Feb 24, 2007
Paint models of some of the new figures now available from WE.

I hope Treefrog will be adding these and a number of other new items to the site soon for purchase.:)

Row #1
WE-MDE-19 New Zealand Mounted Rifles Trooper Palestine 1918
WE-GAL 34 Australian ANZAC Private Gallipoli 1918
WE-MDE 17 Lawrence of Arabia Palestine 1918
WE-GAL-33 Australian ANZAC Pvt. Pointing Gallipoli 1915

Row #2
WE-COL-34 New South Wales Field Artillery Gun Crew Sydney 1900
WE-MDE-17 Lawrence of Arabia (Arab Dress) Palestine 1918
WE-BOX-15 German East Asia Brigade Pvt. Peking 1900 (New pose)
WE-GAL-32 Turkish Artillery Officer Gallipoli 1915
WE-COL-35 South Australian Rifle Regt. (1st Batt.) Officer & Lady, Adelaide 1890--2 figure Vignette "A Stroll in the Park"


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Thanks for posting the coloured images, as Craig had them in his latest catalog, but only in B&W.

Keep up the great work, Craig,

I really like the realistic look of the guy in his tee shirt with his socks all askew.

Are we ever going to see the Treefrog shop update its offerings of Wilson Edward? I understand there are lots of new items that are now ready. Mandi was working on this when she left and I'm wondering what it's status is? I have written to Craig about this as well. Who is TF's contact with WE now?

A very frustrated Wilson Edward Collector
Hi Randy,

I'm sorry about the updates not making it to Treefrog in a timely manner and there are a number of reasons why (not excuses) so I'll explain them here.

I had sent Mandi a number if images of new items which never made it to the Treefrog on-line catalogue for reasons unknown and now that she's gone I'm dealing with their new emplyee Dave so I'll have to touch base with him and work out the best method of sending updates and pics of new figures.

To be totally honest, I haven't been pushing my new releases lately purely because things have been just too **** busy at my end as I am now officially a 'one man band'. I also work full time as a Police Officer so trying to find a healthy balance between my day job and making and painting toy soldiers has been challenging.

Of late, I have been spending the better part of my life in the Wilson Edward Studio playing catch up with orders for painted figures. Since linking with Treefrog demand for my soldiers has outstripped my ability to supply so I am currently working through piles of back orders. My soldiers have also (and finally) taken off here in Australia so I have two market fronts to deal with.

Don't get me wrong, this is all positive and exactly what I wanted but to be honest it's bloody hard work doing everthing from production to painting with no help. I'd actually thought about taking Wilson Edward overseas where many others have ventured but such a move obviously has it's logistical problems and I have no overseas contacts as such.

I think the next step for me is to try and find some reliable painters within Australia (IF YOU ARE OUT THERE GUYS PLEASE EMAIL ME!) to lighten the load a little for me.

I hope that explains things for you Randy and once again please accept my apologies for not posting pics of new releases over the past couple of months.

To any of you out there in Treefrog land that are waiting for orders for painted figures I apologise for the delay but I assure you they are coming!

Now, back to the painting bench! :)


Craig Pearse
Wilson Edward Toy Soldiers

PS ... Here's a pic of the French Zouave & French Chassuer De Afrique from my Boxer Rebellion Range. Hope you like them?


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Thanks for posting the coloured images, as Craig had them in his latest catalog, but only in B&W.

Keep up the great work, Craig,


Hi John,

As an artillery man...have you ever craved for a maxim machinegun so as to provide our colonial troops with some real fire power.....and with that better explore the later Sudan/Egypt and Northwestern campaigns that the current offerings of gatling guns and nordenfelts cannot cope with due to the fact they were phased out by early 1900s......well guess what Craig at Wilson Edward Toy Soldiers - has released a great maxim gun and carriage.....see pictures below...All I have for now are pictures from his pdf catalogue of a set in casting not painted....but for sure the painted version will come soon....The one pictured is a multinational garrison at Peking 1900 Boxer Rebellion, but I have the word that Craig can man the gun with the troops we wish within the range of WETS.....That means, British Boer, African and Northwestern Frontier, Sudan and Egypt.....Russian for the Japanese - Russo War of 1903.....You name it......
I will be calling in for a couple in Boer War they can double up as Northwestern Frontier also!!

Great News............Craig also has a very nice nordenfelt and gatling image002.gifimage004.gif

I have been spying these new sets from the Boxer Rebellion and sure hope to get them into my collection soon.

I have most of the figures now, but the vignettes, such as the defending the barricades really show the depth of detail that Craig is putting into all of his figures.

Looking forward to a technicolour image of them when they get thier "lick of paint"

John and all friends,

In case you are not aware, I myself only got to know due to a random visit to the WETS site......

Craig Pearse was one of life's true gentlemen and it with immense sadness that I heard of his untimely passing just before Christmas. Craig's passion for Toy Soldiers was boundless and reflected in his tireless enthusiasm for sculpting, painting and displaying his own Wilson Edward Toy Soldiers as well as collecting many other lines of miniatures. I knew Craig via Treefrogtreasures and he was for me a true inspiration for opening my eyes to the wonderful world of 54mm model soldiers.
I will miss him immensely as I am sure his passing will be equally regretted by all those people who ever got to know him either personally or through Wilson Edward toy soldiers.
Best Regards,


I have been spying these new sets from the Boxer Rebellion and sure hope to get them into my collection soon.

I have most of the figures now, but the vignettes, such as the defending the barricades really show the depth of detail that Craig is putting into all of his figures.

Looking forward to a technicolour image of them when they get thier "lick of paint"

John and all friends,

In case you are not aware, I myself only got to know due to a random visit to the WETS site......

Craig Pearse was one of life's true gentlemen and it with immense sadness that I heard of his untimely passing just before Christmas. Craig's passion for Toy Soldiers was boundless and reflected in his tireless enthusiasm for sculpting, painting and displaying his own Wilson Edward Toy Soldiers as well as collecting many other lines of miniatures. I knew Craig via Treefrogtreasures and he was for me a true inspiration for opening my eyes to the wonderful world of 54mm model soldiers.
I will miss him immensely as I am sure his passing will be equally regretted by all those people who ever got to know him either personally or through Wilson Edward toy soldiers.
Best Regards,
A a tragedy. It was announced on the Treefrog Chat Lounge under the thread "Sad news from Wilson Edward Toy Soldirs" back before Christmas. It is currently on page 2 of the Lounge if you would like to read the announcement and assorted responses. Very sad. -- Al

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