Greetings from a new member. (1 Viewer)


Apr 25, 2009

My name is Jason and I am new to this forum. I am primarily a wargamer but i couldnt resist the John Jenkins figures. I have just ordered my first set SF-02 French marines skirmishing from Hobby Bunker.

It is my intention to collect most of the Snowshoes range to put on a demonstration game at a local convention.

I live in Sydney Australia and my local dealer is Peter Nathan Toy Soldiers who will be getting all of the JJ sets that are still available and the nest lots of Snow shoe sets (John told me 2 Canadian Militia sets some casualty sets and 2 personality sets) My first priority though is to get the sold out sets first from anywhere in the world i can get them! My next target is SF-01, I absolutely love the Marines.

I have had a look at some of the eye candy you guys have posted and it is inspirational. I look forward to discussing these figures with you all and hope to post some photos of my setup for the demo game when it is complete.


A most hale and hardy welcome to you Jason. I also really look forward to seeing your setups.
Welcome Jason. You will be pleased with the JJD figures. The Battle on Snow Shoes is one of the greatest series ever.

Good choice on collecting.

Jenkin's figures are some of the best I think.

Enjoy the forum,

Welcome, Jason! JJD are great figures to start a collection with. I got lucky and recognized the artistry of these figures several years ago at the OTSN. Saw the Braddock British command and Grenadier firing sets in the Hobby Bunker room a couple of days before the show and snatched them up quickly. These were Matt's last ones that he had brought to the show too, so obviously I was not the only fan of Jenkin's figures early on. Happy collecting! :)
Hello Mate, welcome aboard, I'm sure you'll like it here! I've found that what the fellas on this site don't know about the hobby ain't worth knowing.

I to love the JJD stuff. I collect the Quebec and Jacobite ranges and also like you started life as wargamer. So now not only do I collect but also with a few friends wargame in 54mm - 1/30th! Expensive but great fun.

Have fun!
Welcome aboard Jason. Looking forward to seeing your pics when posted. I've never done any wargaming but would like to try it sometime.

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