Guard Corps by Alan Silk (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
May 22, 2005
As some of you know from my auctions on eBay, Alan was a long time friend of ours and is really missed. He was one of the two NYC based toy soldier makers - the other being Tom Loback whom we also know.

Alans sculpting was miraculous - very natural yet dramatic.

I have hept a stash of Guard Corps figures for myself - and Lobacks too.

You can't possibly turn away from these - they are spectacular figures...



I actually bought a couple sets of Guard Corps Prussian figures from you at your shop downtown-- which is sorely missed. Although they don't really fit in my collection, they are great figures, and I am glad I own them.



I actually bought a couple sets of Guard Corps Prussian figures from you at your shop downtown-- which is sorely missed. Although they don't really fit in my collection, they are great figures, and I am glad I own them.



Thanks Cole! Those figures are among my all time favorites. He really hit the hobby hard with these dismounted cavalry figures.

The Prussians - I liked them kind of but they were not so action packed. The flags were great pieces. But I have to say that when they were displayed in a parade scene it was an awesome scene.

We are doing a street fair this Saturday on Park Ave btw 22nd and 23rd streets - I think we were chatting via email. I'm not bringing too much in the way of toy soldiers - I have some specific requests so some King & Country will be coming along. It is really hard to secure them in the open air markets.

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