Guidelines for Posting Regarding Collector Classified Transactions (1 Viewer)

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Shannon Reuss

Forum Administrator
Staff member
Apr 22, 2005
Welcome to the Collector Classifieds Forum.
Feel free to let people know if there are specific sellers you really enjoy working with.

Do not, however post complaints, flames or derogatory comments about other buyers or sellers on this forum. Oftentimes a simple misunderstanding between a buyer and a seller can occur. If one party begins posting a one-sided play-by-play of the transaction, especially before the situation has been resolved, much damage to the other party's reputation can be done. It is extremely difficult to "undo" this damage after the fact.
This has happened on the forum at least once in the past where a very reputable auction house was slammed repeatedly in posts by a member. After many posts telling other members that the sellers were untrustworthy the situation was resolved satisfactorily. The buyer then posted a short "oh everything is fine now, these guys are great" post but not before many other members had posted that they planned to no longer do business with the auction house because of what had been posted previously.
We do learn from mistakes here on the Treefrog board and we no longer permit these sorts of public posts.

If you have a bad experience with a specific buyer or seller you are free to private message your buddies, just don't name names publicly.
The Treefrog forum crew is here to moderate posts not be judge and jury for conflicts and unless we would have time to investigate the situation, dig up facts and hear both sides of the story we do not feel comfortable having it aired publicly. To allow the public calling out of a specific buyer or seller is to appear that Treefrog endorses the view and the post. Since we are not involved in the situation ourselves we do not want to appear to be taking sides or endorsing flames against a specific buyer or seller.

The toy soldier world is very small. Shoddy business transactions will not go unnoticed and word will get around to avoid certain buyers or sellers even without publicly naming them in posts. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
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