GW013-GW025 WWI The Great War French 34th Infantry Regiment (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
We are very pleased to present our rendition of WWI French Infantry as part of our Great War figure range. We have decided to depict the 34th Regiment of Infantry as this regiment is one of the glorious regiments of the French Army dating all the way back to 1625 when it was first formed. During WWI the regiment served with the 34th Infantry Division throughout the war and participated in the Battles of Verdun, the Marne, and the Somme and that was just in 1916. They were engaged in all five years of hte conflict. We have presented them here as "attacking" which is appropriate for their 1916 intended usage. We sincerely hope you enjoy them!

In addition, please note that these figures will be shipping at the same time as the now finished GW001-GW007 WWI The Great War Germans. Additional Germans will follow next month.


GW013 French Officer Leading the Attack - 34th Infantry Regt - $64.95
GW014 French Infantry Advancing Firing - 34th Infantry Regt - $64.95
GW015 French Infantry Throwing Grenade - 34th Infantry Regt - $64.95
GW016 French Infantry Kneeling Firing - 34th Infantry Regt - $64.95
GW017 French Infantry Laying Wounded - 34th Infantry Regt - $64.95
GW018 French Infantry Charging #1 - 34th Infantry Regt - $64.95
GW019 French Infantry Charging #2 - 34th Infantry Regt - $64.95
GW020 French Infantry Charging #3 - 34th Infantry Regt - $64.95
GW021 French Infantry Charging #4 - 34th Infantry Regt - $64.95
GW022 French Infantry Machine Gun Team - 34th Infantry Regt - $129.95
GW023 French Infantry Firing Grenade - 34th Infantry Regt - $64.95
GW024 French Infantry Laying Loading - 34th Infantry Regt - $64.95
GW025 French Infantry Sergeant Pulling a Private Forward - 34th Infantry Regt - $129.95
Shipping mid-August



















The helmets on these don't seem to be like on JJD and TGM.I'm not complaining just curious about them.They look like the WWII helmets to me.
The helmets on these don't seem to be like on JJD and TGM.I'm not complaining just curious about them.They look like the WWII helmets to me.

Hi Mark,
Here is a WWI M15 French Helmet as you will see it is exactly like the ones depicted by First Legion.. regards Gebhard

The helmets on these don't seem to be like on JJD and TGM.I'm not complaining just curious about them.They look like the WWII helmets to me.

If you weren't sure, why post the comment?

If you weren't sure, why post the comment?


Because I wanted to that why.That's what it looked like to me and that's why I asked.I'm no expert on everything like you think you are.
The differences between the WW1 helmet (M-15) and the WW2 helmet (M-26) are minimal in appearence and would be all but unseen in a figure of 1/30 scale. The main difference for this discussion is that the M-15 helmet was a two piece design, the helmet bowl and the visor rim, thus you have the visible joint that runs around the base of the helmet bowl where the visor is joined to the helmet. The M-26 helmet was pressed from one piece of steel, bowl and visor together, thus there is no raised joining. The FL helmets are quite correct, as are the JJD and TGM helmets. In the 1/30 scale, this joint could be represented by a shadowed paint effect, which TGM uses, or an actual raised bead, which JJD appears to have done. In addition, the M-15 helmet was in heavy use far into the 30's and was in action in WW2, to an extent. FL's helmet looks excellent although I can't tell from the photos whether the bead is actually raised or effected through paint. The important thing is that the helmet looks correct and the FL does. It is not an easy shape to get correct. -- Al
FL has me recruited to their product with this release. I am finally going to purchase and I look forward to my first FL figure. If it is as fine as it appears to be from the photos, I will be buying quite a few of them. The figures do look excellent and very accurate. I would like to see more of the figures in the long-tailed great coat that was universal to the Poilu, even during summer months. The short jacket is not incorrect by any means but the long great coat is a sort of signature, along with the helmet, of the French Poilu. -- Al
Thanks Gebs and Al.My question was not a complaint but for info.I had seen KC's FOB French and looked the same to was not a dig at FL just a simple question.

Because I wanted to that why.That's what it looked like to me and that's why I asked.I'm no expert on everything like you think you are.

Unfortunately, I'm no expert either but when I ask a question, I don't couch it as a conclusion and if I do have a question about tanks, uniforms, armaments, etc. I usually send a private message or an email to a person who is knowledgeable in these areas (which I, admittedly, am not).

I said they looked like the WWII helmets to me not that they were so there was no conclusion by me.I knew Al would answer that for me.I also thought that this forum was for us to see new products,ask questions about figures and basically ask anything we want about the hobby.If we have to do in secret than what do we need a forum for.This is a simple toy soldier forum not a courtroom where very important decisions that affects peoples lives take place.Brad you seem to be a nice guy but you need to lighten up a little bit.English was my worst subject in school but words are your livelihood so when I ask something it's not always phrased like it should be.

I must agree with Mark on this point...There is no harm in asking questions on the forum and it does not need to be done in secret or by pm only^&confuse....Question was well answered and explained by Gebs and Lancer:salute::......Well Done FL.....These are excellent, well sculpted. and a historically accurate release (AS USUAL)........First Legion *****:wink2::wink2:....Oh what the heck... They RULE!^&grin
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Thanks Gebs and Al..


Hi Mark,
No trouble at all its my pleasure , IMO that's what forums are for the exchanging of accumulated knowledge with fellow members. I can totally understand where someone could confuse the two Helmets and have in the past seen dealers trying to pass model M26s off as an M15 to unknowing collectors. From the Photo I posted of an original M15 and from the data Al was kind enough to share you can clearly see just how good a job First Legion have done with their representation of the WWI French M15 Helmet. In fact it's one of the reasons I'm really am sold on what FL bring to the table, seeing the details actually sculpted into the figure instead of being implied though painting to me shows the level of their true quality. For me its all about the details and they have proven to me time and time again their commitment to not only research but their lust to provide discerning collectors with a wonderful product. I will definitely be adding a few of these to my collection:wink2: . regards Gebhard
FL has me recruited to their product with this release. I am finally going to purchase and I look forward to my first FL figure. If it is as fine as it appears to be from the photos, I will be buying quite a few of them. The figures do look excellent and very accurate. I would like to see more of the figures in the long-tailed great coat that was universal to the Poilu, even during summer months. The short jacket is not incorrect by any means but the long great coat is a sort of signature, along with the helmet, of the French Poilu. -- Al
With the help of George of MM Toy Soldiers, I am now the proud owner of my first figure from First Legion. It is the French Poilu GW021 and he is simply outstanding. It is a great sculpt, very accurate, and extremely well painted with the face itself being the best I have seen outside of the fabled Russian figures, a few of which I own. Size-wise, this FL figure falls between my ONWTC Poilu and the JJD Poilu. That means, to me, that they will display perfectly well with either, especially taking in varied human dimensions. The givens in size, equiment such as a rifle or helmet, match JJD almost to a T. So no worries in regards to mixing. Note that I said 'first figure' in regards to this purchase because I intend to get more of this fine series from First Legion. As one would expect from a company that has done it's research, the rivet-counter in me can find nothing to be critical of. It is everything I had heard about in terms of detail and finish and everything I had hoped it would be. Well done, First Legion.:salute:: -- Al

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