GW037-GW044 WWI French Artillery & Crew!!! (1 Viewer)


Registered Member
Dec 8, 2007
We are very pleased to present the first major "equipment" release for our WWI The Great War figure range, the French 155mm 1877/1914 L De Bange Cannon! Artillery played a major role in the first World War and this field piece was one that the French used early in the war. We have presented it here with both the metallic sole wheels and wooden firing platform (removable) along with seven stunning crew figures. Not only is this an exquisitely detailed piece with superbly sculpted and painted crew figures, but it is also available at an extremely reasonable price relative to the overall quality. So if you haven't started collecting First Legion WWI figures, this particular release would be a great time to start! We sincerely hope you enjoy it!


GW037 French Artillery Officer $54.95
GW038 French Field Phone Operator $64.95
GW039 French Artillery Crew Twisting Fuse $54.95
GW040 French Artillery with Shell $54.95
GW041 French Artillery Crew with Charge $54.95
GW042 French Artillery Crew with Sponge $54.95
GW043 French Artillery Crew Receiving Shell $54.95
GW044 French 155mm 1877/1914 L de Bange Cannon $189.95
Shipping Late July



















We hope you like the new sets and we will continue to expand our WWI Range sooner than later!


First Legion
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Simply superb. This will be on my buy list.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! This is simply a must have. -- Al
Winner, winner, chicken dinner! This is simply a must have. -- Al
Seeing as how I now only collect French WW1, in terms of TS, and I have quite a range of the available manufacturers figures, this fits in perfectly. It will go very well with my large JJD collection and, of course, the FL Poilus that I have. I have found that JJD and FL compliment each other very well in this particular range. It will be a thrill to add the 155mm to my JJD 75mm to form my French artillery support. I am simply stunned that FL had the imagination to produce the 155mm gun. French artillery, outside of the famous 75mm, is virtually non-existent in the TS world. Lots of British arty has been done, but no French. This is just a wonderful addition to a sadly neglected subject and I applaud FL for bringing it to us. It is an inspired choice. -- Al
Winner, winner, chicken dinner! This is simply a must have. -- Al


As soon as I saw this I thought I wonder how happy Al is right now?! What a superb looking set, just excellent^&cool

Does FL's French match up ok with KC's,JDD,TGM ? If all these go together you could have an awesome French WWI force.
Does FL's French match up ok with KC's,JDD,TGM ? If all these go together you could have an awesome French WWI force.
Mark, it is my opinion that the FL mixes well with JJD and the older ONWTC French Poilus. KC and TGM are a different matter as they are quite a bit larger and bulkier than the aforementioned trio. I had all 5 makers mixed together on display for a long time but I finally separated them into different dios, KC and TGM in one (they are virtually the same size), and FL, JJD, and ONWTC in the other. To mix KC and TGM with the others requires a forced perspective. Side by side the difference is just too obvious to my eye. -- Al

As soon as I saw this I thought I wonder how happy Al is right now?! What a superb looking set, just excellent^&cool

Rob, I might have to visit my doctor lest this grin on my face become permanent. It is a very cool set.^&grin -- Al
Rob, I might have to visit my doctor lest this grin on my face become permanent. It is a very cool set.^&grin -- Al

Ha ha! ^&grin Terrific looking set Al, either in a dio or just stand alone this would be quite something.

Rob, I might have to visit my doctor lest this grin on my face become permanent. It is a very cool set.^&grin -- Al

AL, Glad for all the WWI collectors on some great new sets, now if we could just get the O's to win a game today!!...Sammy
Just done a quick $/£ conversion...gulp...I'll give this one a miss, nice as it is!

Just done a quick $/£ conversion...gulp...I'll give this one a miss, nice as it is!

Pete, I added up the FL French artillery set and it sure isn't inexpensive at $585 for the whole thing. It is comparable, however, with what other artillery from JJD is costing. The JJD 60lb gun with full crew will run at least $530, if you don't add extras like the supplies. The JJD bus, with minimal riders is $444 and is $604 if you load it with riders. All that said, I will try to scrap the dollars together as it is a must have for me with my French centric collecting, but it is going to hurt. One thing for sure, it is going to be purchased piece by piece as opposed to all at once.:wink2: -- Al
Pete, I added up the FL French artillery set and it sure isn't inexpensive at $585 for the whole thing. It is comparable, however, with what other artillery from JJD is costing. The JJD 60lb gun with full crew will run at least $530, if you don't add extras like the supplies. The JJD bus, with minimal riders is $444 and is $604 if you load it with riders. All that said, I will try to scrap the dollars together as it is a must have for me with my French centric collecting, but it is going to hurt. One thing for sure, it is going to be purchased piece by piece as opposed to all at once.:wink2: -- Al

Hi Al,
I know what you're saying, however to get these figures to the UK will add (roughly) an extra 30% to the stated costs.....So $760+ in total if you include shipping, import duties and VAT!

Hi Al,
I know what you're saying, however to get these figures to the UK will add (roughly) an extra 30% to the stated costs.....So $760+ in total if you include shipping, import duties and VAT!

Jeez Pete, I forget about that VAT you all have to pay. That IS a lot of money. If we had a VAT, there would be a lot less buying going on over here.:redface2: -- Al

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