Halls of Montezuma...shores of Tripoli (1 Viewer)

Peter Reuss

2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Hi all -

In my unending quest to round out my knowledge of military history, I've realized that I have a bit of a gap in USMC history.

Can anyone recommend a good book about the Barbary War or the Mexican-American War?

I know a bit about M-A, I don't know much about the Barbary Pirates (other than snippets from the web).
Hi all -

In my unending quest to round out my knowledge of military history, I've realized that I have a bit of a gap in USMC history.

Can anyone recommend a good book about the Barbary War or the Mexican-American War?

I know a bit about M-A, I don't know much about the Barbary Pirates (other than snippets from the web).


Here are two excellent books on the subject:

The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, the First Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805 by Richard Zacks

Jefferson's War: America's First War on Terror 1801-1805 by Joseph Wheelan

I read both of these while working on Barzso's Shores of Tripoli Playset and the Pirate Fortress... I tend to read about the subject we're working on at the time... last year I read a lot of Robin Hood Books - this year Daniel Boone...


Stan Clark of Stan Clark's Military Books in Gettysburg is a former Marine who specializes in Marine Corps titles as well as all things military. -- lancer

Here are two excellent books on the subject:

The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, the First Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805 by Richard Zacks


Thanks - it was available used from Amazon for a whopping $1.75 (plus shipping). It's on the way!

Now I just need a good overview of the Mexican American War. Anyone?
John Eisenhower wrote "So Far From God", an excellent history of the Mexican War. -- lancer

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