This is a figure of von Ziethen who founded the 2nd Hussars. It is a simple conversion of a U Puchala figure. I had placed it on a simple wooden drinks base.
I painted the base in high gloss varnish and then added lettering. It is finished! End of thread...
Very nice conversion work of : Preußen. Husaren-Regiment von Zieten. 1756-63 . "Red Hussars"
The magazine Campaign commisioned Tim Richard from Pheonix Models to make a von Zieten for them in the 70ies
and is still available here :
Thanks for that! You've brought back memories to me of a very old conversion that I had done of a mounted Ziethen from Historex parts in this very unusual leopardskin pelisse, based on an old Army & Navy Model magazine ( I think). Sadly I don't have this piece anymore as I had sold it off.
I had initially wanted to convert the U Puchala figure into this leopardskin pelisse with unique headdress but decided to retain most of the features of the original casting.
Now I better get stuck into painting a couple of figures that I have of this man, and then we can compare painting styles, but I sure like what you have achieved with your shading.
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